Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 14, 7 April 1866 — English Culumn. [ARTICLE]

English Culumn.


Secretarv Sewaril"? dĪspatch to Minister Bfgeiow, recent»y forwarded, 15 published, anei eooiain.'? serere eommenl? and a deoiai of the ass«?nion thai the Uniieii Stat«» were inviietl to join originally in Meiiean inter« vention. Acconiing to the President"s interpretation, the present organization of fhe Freedmen's Bureau holda orer for one year. Gen. Butier has paid the Smtih brothers*the SSO,OOO in gold whieh wa? taken from thetr htnk in New Or!eans, together with ail costs of legal proceedings, amounting in the aggregate to §150,000. The House of Representatives, 10S to 37. st tndi by its vote to admit no Members of Congress from the rebei Staies until Congress shali hare declared such States eiuitled to reprc-sentaxion. TUe House Committee on Territories have applied to Secretarv St;tnton for perinission to summon Gen. P. E. Connerand Kev. Norman McL*>od, pastor of the Gentile Church in Sali Lake City, to appear aod testify touching the condition of aflairs there. It is stated, semi.offirinlly, that the Government has deterniined to appoint no more polygamists to otfite. The steamer i\eio Yurlc sailed for San Francisco \vith 300 troops. A banquet hasbeen given to the Amenean Minister at Moscow, in acknowledgment of courtesies to the Kussian fleet. It is supposed that, of tne Cabinet, Seward, McCulloch, Wells, and Dennison supported the President's veto message, aod that Mr. Seward wrote ie. Rumor says, that Stanton and Hariow will resign in consequence of the message. The Presi« dent has made a speech, denouncing by name, Sumner, Stevens, and VVendell Philiips; Mr. VVade oifered a resolution in the making Presidenu» ineligible to thn( office a second time. The Legisiature of Maine passed resolutions endorsing the action of Union members of the present Congress. The Senate hns passed the resolution to relinquish ali titles of the United States to any land, in San Francisco County. lt \vas voted by Congress to plaee a steamer at the disposal of the Company now iaving the American and Russian Teiegraph. The President's veto message was verv elaborate, covering over thirty foolscap pages. He opposes the eoiuinuanee of the Freedmen's Bureau in everv shape and form.