Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 16, 21 April 1866 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

English Column.


Mr. Clark, Controllcr of the Currency, who has his office directiy from tbe Senate, and is not depenijeiit on Secretar)- McCuiloch. has writien a letter to the Secretarj'. cbarging him with gross mis3tatcraent3 o 1 accoums in his montbly public exhibi;s. The leticr creates a greot sensation. Hon. F. B. Wasbburne intimate<i in Congress tbat General Grant will be a candidate for tbe PreBidency. The Postoffice Department has c!osed the mail-ietting forthe Pacific States. The eompetition was greater, and the prices are reduced from last year. The following are the most promment contracts : San Francisco to Sacramento, 818,000 —a reduction of 82, 000. San Froncisco to Stockton. 815.000 —a reduction of Sō,ooo. San iuan to Los Angeles, S 19,000 —a reduction of §6.000. The West Kout«», from Lineoln to Pojjtland, Oregon, 624 miles, was let to Henry W. Frisbett, for 17,000, the present pay being $22,500. In the House, on motion of Mr. Higby, the Pacific Railroad State Bills, grantingnid for the construction of a raiiroad from Folsom to Placerville, and froin Plaeennlle to the most feasible point of intersection \vith the Pucific Kailroad 'ia Nevada, was referred to the Committee on the Pacific Railroad. What is termed the Civil Kights Bill has passed C<Jngress, and has been vetoed by the President. Colorado has been refused admission to the number of States. Jured Sparkrf, the historian, is dead. 8100.000 has been appropriated for the expenses of the Pnris Exhibition. There are 15,000 pcrsons who have been pardoned under the 520,000 clause. Secretary Seward nssures, officially, the British Minister that any ntteinpt of the Fenians to invade Canada would be proinptly suppressed. There is a rumor that Russell has asked the Queen to him frotn the Cabinet. Over 200 Qnakers nre emigrating froin North Curolina to Indiana, to eseape persecution. MrCormick, of Arizona, has been appointed Goveinor of ldaho Territory. The Loan Bill has beeo defeated in Congress ; a triumph of Clark over McCulloch. Parson Brownlow has eoine out stronglv ngninst the Pr£>sident's reconstruction policy. Pennsylvania Repubiicans have nominated John W. Geary as their candidate for Governor. In a speech to a Kentucky delegation, the President stated that he had taken a stand and would not budge. There is a great Fenian scare in Canada. Thirty thousand volunteers liave been enrolled. Gen. Morton's heahh is still in a critical condition.