Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 37, 15 September 1866 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

English Column.


T!ie progrīi{nmc of tho Prtsidpnfs '-iee- ('. rinir tour through the North i$ puh- ' ; , He will ieave Washington o.n the 2-: ;of August, accompanied by Secretary visit of thp principa! cin?s east Hudson, rcpeating his speech at eaeh pJ:»ce ; participnte in the ceremony 01 CoTnf^t°n e of the Douglaa | itit<-ot. and return to the Capital wuhin a w!"»'n'. As a pieee of stage e(Fec', John- ; yoa w:li trave( in the rentab(e car whieh title«l up for the funeral train of the iriyr Lmeoln. ; IKaths by €liolern. j l)uruig the weel* ending Fridav, August • 'J.V. i. t'iere w» re I.UOO deaths froin cholera ' <•, t»,,» **ity of Loui«. Thia weekiy re- : I < .';:iuvU*s Suturday. " j August 20th. l:i ;ic<'ordance witli the Presidvnt's pro« ! ('inniinn of the 19th, declaring nuil and j v :<i Maxiuj\ii paju»r blockade of Mata- I aml other Mex\can ports, the Navy ; 1) | 'nnicnt has dispatched two tuen-of-war : tn !m- ?jta!iotied at the mouth of thf* Hio ; f'i r.inii ! Tiie commander of the Pacific s sfpj;i(lron hns jilso rec«ived ordera to send two j . iii;»: to Mii/ailan nnd Guav<nas, to protect ! V !t:i' 'l Stai<'s mtcrest? on the Parifie coast. j 1:1!' Prosentation of the proceedinfrs of | r." l'}ii!ndelph'n Convention to \ts author ) i < !i„Mnt i er s»*rved as an occasion for the ' <!• '!ivfry ol''another of those vulgs\r, mnlicious i • - <iti' l rev(jlutiouary harangues for | Andr<*w ,)(.»hrison hns becornc notori- i " i-. Siii li whoh's;i)e nhuse of the law- | i:. i!> .!iu r-ow» t of the Goveriuncnt by the ! ( .M;iLri>trato w;is unknown among us j !" :■ r 1 nn a>S!»ssination opened this dema- j ;:o:;!i"'s w,iy to ihe Kxecutive chair. Oeneri! (!r;int. who w;is present on this occasion, ili)'ihtless hy the eontrivance of the revolutionary conspirators, who badly want the Mippoi'l t>f the soldiers, must have bt'en h L r h(v editied hy thc exhibition o( President il (liltsiitV. That portion of the tirade wliieh is not a tnerc repetition of previous | (it'iivrrafH'es froni the sarne source, is distin- i fur hi'ing a little inoro steeped in I i,i;111ii1111v. The Conijress of the United State*, nnny of whose enactments Johnson h.is .<igiu.d, ihns recngnizing their legality, is p!cas:int!y rt'ferred to as a " (>odv assumim lt t" be t(u? Congress of efio Uoited States" wineh d;iily viohued the Constitution. From Knropo we hoar furtherofu retnarl<ablc deiii uml uniile hy Napoleon upon Prussia that tho !>oonil »rit .s of I\rance be a!lowed to extent ti» (ho Khine. and of Prussia's abso!ute rt*fu- >■* 1(O aeeoele (o tfie rofjuesf Tho ambifious !viiporor seems to have heen unfortunato in vtio timc of prrterrmg his requost, even as (p' tniscal' , ulatod in tho iMexican a(Tair. It wn'l ;i||ord a f;ood suhject for the illustrated iK'\vsp,ipors. The (>usiness of tfre At(antic Cab(e is so h'.ivv fhat fht' Dircctors eontemp(atc the <."•( i!'it.shfnrnt oi' a new sca)e of prices. We !i<aronedav that tlie cholera is subsidini, T , iunl the ne.\t that it is on the increase. lt has reacl\ed Chicago, St. Louis, nnd other western citirs. The President (ias issucd ;in importat;t proc(amaHon declaring that j Ma\imilian has »>o bJockjiding force about the .Me.\ican ports whieh the llnited States is l»ound to respeet. Matan)o)ns has nlready heen occupied by our forces under Lew. Wnllaee. I iliii'opan. PuAGur. Auj*nst 2(s.—The cession of Venetia to (taiy was fully accompiished befor\3 the treaty of peaee heiween Prussia. Austria, ltaly aiui Bavaria was sipned. Austria freely nnd unreservedly ccded V r enetia to Victor Kmmunuel. Ni:w Vouk, August 20.—Specinl dispat-elu-5 eonlinn the fact of the sign\ng of n treaiv ot peaee at Prai;ue on Thursday the 2;>'d." Lr.trs\e. Aupust 27th.—A lnrge aml inlliteritia( meetmf hero has deelared in favor j ol'a union of S.ixony u it(i Prussia. Hkkun, August 27th.—The Peaoo Treatv, whi'h was signed at Prague, will not (>e )inde puhlie ull ratitied by th<? contracting P"\vors. 1$ is believed, however, that the ■:H , r >l (eatures nro almost \dentieat with U:(> orn, T inal preliminaries interctianged nt Nu*kolsburg on the 20th ot July. Pakjs, August loth. The Kmperor Napoleon received the Prus-s'-»n )Cmbnssador to-day. nt the Tv»i{eries. ; The Minister delivered to His Mnjesty the rop!y of the Kini» of Prussin to the French note demanding an extension of the frontier ot Ftance to the Khitie. The reply declares lhit the de«)aud is inndniissib!e, nnd that l f russin wiil not necede to it. Nnpoleon rejoined that he hnd niade the demnnd in order to satisfy publio opinion in France on the of the rectiiication of the frontier. He deemed it n just demi\nd, but t\t the si\mc t :ue acknowledged the fairness of the anrument used by the Prussinn Cabinct. in giving 1 reftisal. He said that the relations existnt present l>etween Fmucc and Prussia «henhl not bo disturbed in any case, and 1 o;>od Prussia wouUl not overstep the line. Xcnrer Hoine. While oxtonding w weleome to the daily " coutt tnporarv M h»tely arrived in our city, nnd ackt>ow!edging, (as the Gazettt of last «■eele did not.) the reoliy desirable prvsence amongst us of tho Hawaiian llcr<itd, we weuld at the same time speak a \vord for the correct orthogmphy of Hawaiian name<f. i'isi incing the wc-irrence of such errors as " Onoka" fur Honokaa or (it being uncertaia whieh of the two is intended,) «ud " Monala" for Manamana* and so on. as «uliieieni ground for a littie friendly retnon« stmnce o« our part. We nre j»inful!y a\vare of the inanglit)gr ol foreign natnes īn the na» t>vo papers, but it must be remembe*red th«t the Hawaiian names are on their native soil, havc tho bes» tight ta correci typogmphy.