Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 48, 1 December 1866 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

English Column.


An imponani tVature of ti"«e news the announeemen: e: an arrar.gement :ornn A>nerican protectorate in Mexioo. Tne r:*;ng imporuince of the Colorado r:ver a< a i;:jhway of trade wou!d justify the l':r.;ed S:ates ; Government in ne:rotiating tor the cess;on ol both Lower California and Sonora. Car!otta, wife of M:»ximiiian. is in?tne. At Kome, she sought sheiter in the Vatiean from īmaginary assassis;s. The Pope provided for the Unfort ;nate woman. and she was suhse<]uently removed to Miramar. Her conditio;i is decided to be hopeless. Maxiiriii;au wit! probibiy return in an Austrian friirite, whieh has aiready been sent from Trieste by the Emperor Francis Joseph. It is said twenty French 1 war steamers wii! leave for Mexico in November to bring home the entire French torce . now in that country. C a uaela. i The Fenian Circlts of the Atlantic States j are greatly excited over the new.< from CinaS da. Colonel Lvnch. of Louisviile, who was : one of the leaders of ttie Fenian r tid on Fort j Erie, aiulwho was eaptured at that time, i has been convicted in a civil Court and f-en-I tenced to be hung on the 13th of December. ! Secretary Seward sent a remonstrance to j Sir Frederick Bruce, British Minister at j \Vashington, ngainst the proposed executions. ! Eui'ope. The Reform ngitation increases in Eng- . land. lt is apparent that the preasure of public opinion will be too severe for the Derby Ministry. This time the reformers £o to t!ie bed-rock and insist upon n»anhood s ilfrage. Trouble appears to be brewing between | Prussia and Austria. Bismnrck has eom- ' plained of the license aliowed the Vienna press, and Francis Joseph responds that the | press is free in Austria. Cnrrespondence ; from Vienna, in tho latest New York journals, represents that bitter feeling aoainst Prussia j pervades all classes in Austria, and the i military men are anxious to get on opportunity to reverse the verdict of Sadowa. i xVn attempt was made to shoot the F.mperor : Francis Joseph at Prague, Capital of Bohe- | mia. The ossassin was arrested, in time to prevent the crime, by an Englishtnan. Bohemia has been devastated and im- i poverished, and thousands of her peopie aro j in a desperate condition. | It is reported that there is a scheme in I preparation to proclaim the King of Prussta i Emperor of Germany. j On the lUh of October a dispatch was j rpceived from the Prussian Emba.Sj«y, statmg j that Napoleon's recovery was impossible. J Few events woukl create a more profouml ' sensation or be attonded with more important cousequenc«s than the death of the French j Emperor. ! The Cretans seem to be making a gallant j fight. By wny of Florenoe we have intel- j ligence that another battle was fought on j October 17th, resultimr iu the repu!se t)f \ the Turks. ;