Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 1, 5 January 1867 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

English Column.

To Oiip Pntronn.

| Tbe Kuokoa wi<hc> ail jts fcng!tsh *peaki ing Pa{ron? aewl Friends. a Mew ; Vear! f The Xewspaper Kuokoeu en*ering on its ?ixih volume, may now certain{y be cons:d|ered one of the permanent ln?ti;uiions < f |thesc I«lands. We purpose th3t it shnii | eonlmue true (o il? name of " lndependeot " jin erery proper and noble degreemore i and more derelopincr Hawaiian talenr.— eon- | tributing to good morals, and ririlization, |and abore all, to the holy religion of Jesus We are happy in heing ab«e to announee that President W . D. Alexander of Oahu College, and the Rer 0, H. Guhck Pnneipal of Waialua Female Setninary. will uke part with the £dito» of the last two years T in the Proprietorehip and Editorial Supervision of ihe " Kīlohana Pookela oka Lahui." All who underatand aught of the labor, res-

ponsibility, and risk, inrolved in the preparation and publication of a good Newpaper in the Hawaiian Languoge, will hare no difficulty in undcrstanding that this enterpris»e is engaged in onlv from a sense ofobligation to assist in elevating our Hawaiian Fellow Countrymen. In addition to the above editorial force, the columns of the Kuokoa wiU be greatly enriched by the assistance of a large body of Special Contributors. Mr. C. J. Ly<ms, whose very valuable contnbutions have added to the variety of our News and Editorial Columns during ihe last six months, will assist still inore systematically than before, having special charge of the preparation nf Foreign News. The Rev. Mr. Kuaez, Pastor of Waialua, will write often. S. M. Kamakau, the native Historian of Hawaii nei will continue his invaluable series on Kamehameha V. The Rev. C. B. Andrexos } of Lahainaluna, will write on Agriculture and Education, as heretofore. Messers. Gr. IV. Kanuha,, and D. Malo, will enliven our pages with contributions in general literature. 18 And last, but not least, the Rev. L. Lyons, the rightly called 11 Watts of Hawaii nei," will continue to tune his harp to the beautiful songs of Zion inspired by the muse of Waunea, and will accompany thein \vith his poetical annotations. We are thankful to all Subscribers and Agents for their help during the year past, and we bespcak the some, and more, for the year 1867 ! L. H. Gu'lick, Business Editor.