Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 1, 5 January 1867 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


[Krom the Weekly S-icrauienlo l'nion tn Pee. ].] The " shootingf stars "failed to perform in accordance with the astronomers' programme. The Herald has a disputoh stating that a host of meteors were. observed at Greenwich, Englaml, but Professor Loovnis, of Yale College, discredits the report. The ealeulation, probi\bly, fixed upon the wrong year. The hnaneial piinie continues in New York. Wall strect is excited. Nuinerous failures are rcported. Credit is sadly shaken. Money is hard to borrow. The joumals attribute the trouble to the action of the Treasury Department in selling both gold and five»twenties. The panie extends to othet cities nnd causes the depression of trade. The IJerald says from fifteen to twenty thousand troops are concentrated between Washington and Baltimore. ' John H. Surratt, oneof tho leadingspiritsin the Wilkes fiooth conspiracy, was discovered among the Papal Zouaves at Rorne, having assumed the name of John Watson. The assasin was arrested, at the instance of Gen. Kufus King, American Minister, but mnnnged to escape into ītalian territory. The Italian authorities are endeavoring to arrest him. At a grand banquet given in New York to Cyrus W. Field, thal distinguishcd gentleman delivered an interesting address on tbe operation of the Atlantic cables. He snys the" oeean lines are easily worked and promises a further reduction of tfye tari(T on dispatches, ns well as an increased rapidity in thc transmission of inessages. The Tennessee House of Representatives tabled a bill extending the franchise to the negroes and nmnesty to rebels by a vote of 35 to 29. The majority is small and may be overcome bcfore the close of ihe session if Governor Brownlow continues to favor the mensure. - IHeiieo. The report that Maximilian's departure from Mexico was prevented by the French is confinned. Bazaine, who appears to exercise authority in spite of the arrival of Castelneau, irisisted that Maximilian should not !ea?e without signing an act of abdicaUon, and it is supposed the Austrmn pnnee will be compelled to do so before he obtains pennission*to ieturn to Miramar and Carloua. It is aiuiounced thnt Maximilian has actually abdicated and is now on Uis way to Havnnn. Froiu Ciirope. The Kuropean advices cmbrace items of importnnce. Gnea4 floods have occnrred in Yorkshire and Lancasbire, England, causmg de9truction of lite and property. The NaUooal Keform Conference at Manchester adopted a programine whieh implies hostihty to anv Keform bill the Tory Ministry tr.ay inliwiuee, and provides for a elean and thorough vict©ry. Thirty-nine Fenian prisoners were quietly released bv the Canadian authorities, taken to the Suspension Bridge, over N iagara river, and permitted to retura onee more to the fand of the stars and stripes. h is thought those who have been condemned to be executed wiH obuiin n milder sentence after | they have boen t)adly scared. | There appears to be a great Fenian exciteI tuent in Irehiud. Artc*ts are U?ing roade

awi preparat;ons in pragreis by ihe British iGotr<?mment »"->r sappres?īng aoy reToliition. A disjwtch īTCeired bv sh? Cab!e saT5 ibe London .V«or has puMi.-hed a ietter stanng : th3t the £ngfish Gi)vemroent has To!untarily reopened rhe AlaUima qacstion. Tho Can«i?aos have beaten fhe 'Turks, kii{ing io a recent engnijement 3,000 men and ta!»ing 2,000 prisoners, Austria is said t<> (ear the aggressire dem:m of Rcssia ami! Prussia, <nd is making op a Minisfry tbat «ri!l eomhine representativcs of nafioaalities hcetiie to the allied ? Power?. £ren tbe Polisb nationality has a ! n?presentative in ihe new Gorernor of Callien. Kussia is coricentrating a large army ; on the frootier of tlwt pnii'inee. , The Britbh Gc»veniment has scnt two |special envoys, Gladstone and the Earl ol t Clarendon. to Kome, toendeavor to reconcile |the Pope to the impending loss of the tem- , pon»l po\ver. Giadstone, it is said has not !sucreeded in hi» mi'.ssion. ?