Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 6, 9 February 1867 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

English Column.

Tflegraphk Sews reteiTt d Fel>. 3lb.

j The Ternioiiai hill iay on the tabie half an hour, and was ihen taken ep. anj under | the openit?on of the prerious qoe?tion mis ! passēd withoat debite, bv 104 cues to 3S | noes. The was at onee engTossed, and lin aboat two hoars from the time of its introductioo into the Senate ii had passed both hooses and received the si2natares of the Speaker and Vice Presidenf T and was ready for the White House. It is not supposed that the Pres?dent wili velo it. CfiicAGO, January ll.—Tbe neit Con»gress will convene at noon on the 4th of | Marcb. I The Con)mittee on Territories hare agTeed jto report A?hley's hill for establisbing Terri-| | toriai Governments in tbe South. | New Vohk, Janoaryl3.—A Washmglon! { telegram says the House Committee agreed 1 jto report a bill for new Governmenis forj I Aiahama. Florida, Georgia, Ark«insass, Loui-I siana, Mississippi, North and South Carolina! and Texas. It first declares void all laws | made Governments in force in those StatesJ and then proposes that all male persons| alx>ve the ages of twenty*one. who ean takej the oath of loya!ty, be allowed to vote for de!egates to a Convention. When the Con-1 vention meets, if it decides to accept the terras proposed by Congress, it is proposed to se!ect what is called a Provisional Committee of five citizeus, distinguished for their loyalty to the Union ; this Committee to act as one ol puhlie safety until the Constitution of the State ia formed, whieh they are | authorized to inaugurate. The Con\rention j thus called ean then elect ProWsional State | officers form State Constitutions irrevocable| without the consent of Congress, granting suflrage, and the prohibition of | distinction on account of race of color. The j repudiation of the rebel debt and the disfrani chisement of all who aided in the rebelliun, jare also to be provided for in the State Constitutions. lf the Sute shall at any future time ottempt to dissolve the re!ations with the Federal Government, its represēntation lin Congress to cease. If Congress accepts | the new Constitution the Stnte shall be en|titled to representation. The Committee will urge the bill as a substitute for Stevens's measure. A Washington despatch to the llerald\ says it has good authority for saying that | the House Judiciary Committee, after a careI ful examination have eome to the conclusion j that there is not sufficient ground upon i whieh to base a bill for impeachment of the j President. j Vienna, January 12.—The journals of | this morning say the Sublime Porte has pressed 150,000 inen into service to quell the Greek insurrection. i London, January 13. —A report from ! Madrid states that Garibaldi has gone to Candia. | Paris, January 13.—Despatches from the East report a Ministerial crisis at Constantinople, and that the Pope has recalled his ! Ambassador from Athens. lt is also reported that a large number of reinforcements for the Greek insurgents had landed in Candia from Greek ships, and that the Cretans had the necessary supply of arms. The Tribune's Washington special savs the Govemment has received information from Vera Cruz that several French transporls had arrived, and that troGps had commenced embarlting. There are 24 large transports, whieh will be sufficient to re- ! move all the troops. lt is expected all will! | have embarked by the first of March. Of the 2,000 removals mnde by the President since last suramer, not one hundred have heen reported to the Senate. New Youk, January 15.—The HeralcTs \ Kichmond special says Gen. Rosser and ! Henry A. Wise addressed the citizens of Kichmond, last evening, on the subject of , the relief of the widows of Confederate 'soldiers. Both expressed the opinion thatl the reblion had still a fair prospect of success. • Wise said he would never give up, and tbe 1 j South was sublimely unconquered. He' » particularly desired to be buried in a grey: i overcoat when his time should eome. j New York, J.»nuary 15.—Prominent lawyers say the decision of the Supreme Court. annulling the attorney's oath, is broad ' enough to cover section ninth of the proposed Constitutional Amendment and admit the rebels. New York, January 16.—Washington rumor snys the Kadical leaders have agreed on the impeachment movement to suspend the President as soon as articles are preferred, Wade filling the vacaney; then to prolong the trial through the remainder of John?on's term ; ineanwhile reconstructing the South. London, January 15.—The iee in Kegent's Park broke through to-day, while crowded with skaters. Over 200 persons were precipitated into the water, and 30 were j drowned. j