Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 16, 20 April 1867 — English Column. Foreign Religions Items. [ARTICLE]

English Column.

Foreign Religions Items.

— Fhc Bishop of Nov.i Scot!! has (i;5mi«s?d Kev. J. C. Cochran«?, a cler2T)*mnn for!y-tWO y?irs in oni<»r-}. f>r reJ*using to pre:j':h in hi« s<jrp|ioe. —Our friends in Cdn-ida are e;irne*tlv c.'jgaped in gathering maienah for a history os Can?regnt:onilism in all parti of North This is a gaod work, and wiil b!end happi!y wiih what is doing- »n the United State«. —A eue aro?e in Italy under the new law. a!!owing priests to marry. A in (ienoa to issue the proper papers for a priest who wrshed to be married. The inatter was carried into court, and the first decision \vm īn fuvor of the registrar, but the higher coHrt reversed it. —There has been a nowerful revival of religion in progress in Cu!iiberland, Kilsyth, and other neighboring towns nnd vil!ages in Scotland. These p!aces have been wonderful!y innved by the Spirif, re«alting not only in many conversions, but in various reforrnntions among- the people, in respect to internperance and the like. —Americnn Sundav Schoo|s, Uf:der the agency of the American and Foreitjn Christinn Union, nre rnaking their way on the continent of Europe. /n the city of Amsterdam, containi,ng 250,000 inhabitants, the thing was nt fir?t npposed, with true Dutch obstinary, but at !ast Sunday Schools were established in that city and arc now very popular. — l J cni)ission hael;een gircn by the French Impenal Comniission, to thc Bib!c Society of Frnnce, to havc its stand in the park surroundmg the Paris Exhibition. The Bib!e Comrr>ittee of England propose to add their forces nnd to make the occasion for thc wide distribution of the whole Bib!e or the New Testament in mony difTercnt l»nguages. It is thought thnt sorne 2,000,000 copics may thus bo disposed of, atui the sum of 530,000. is now being raised in England for this purposc. —Thc (irst l\ussian Bible Societv has been rccently organized at St. Petersburg with the sanction of the Emperor Alexarider. lt seems from a letter in the New York Obscrver, from Kev. W. E. Bidwell, that vnrious nWempts have been madc before to organi/e such a sociely in Russia, but they have been fnilures. The society begins its career under happy nuspices. —The revival in Scot!and, of whieh we have reccnt!y innde mention, proves to be more extensivc than we had supposed. It h»s re.iched nlmost evcry villoge ull along the northcast coast. A few enterprising cvangelists hnve hnd mueh to do with this, of whom if we mistakc not, one isan Amerieun. lt is said that this work has really becn in continuous progress in that section cver since the year ISSS. Whitefield in his dny, visited this snme reg;on, and saw many converted. THK NATION*S C URSK. The revenue eomtuissioners ot thc U. S., cstimnte thnt there are annnally consumed in this country 42,000,000 gallons of disti!!ed spirits, 156,000,000 gallons of fermented liquors, and 10,000,000 gallons of imported liquors, the estimnted cost of whieh is 5500,000,000, on whieh the government derives' an ineome of $'17,727,276. This of course i does not include the liquor smugglcd into the country, nor the immense nmount secretly rnanufactured, whieh wou!d vastly incrense this estimnto ; nor does it inehule the enormous loss nnnunlly sust«ined by lnbor »nd capital.thc dircct rcsult of drinking habits, nor the su(lering nnd vice directlv cnused by strong drink. These should be prcsented to mnke a correct halanee s4ieet.