Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 34, 24 August 1867 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

English Column.


ifr'ia tV ?*c. ■'"•n. hj2' ' A n»ovcn <*iit 1« mu! to m.iLine ro*iehoul thc So>ith for a -r inv.i = ion of Mc*!CO, with fhc vicw nf r*»ro't»!inn Jn th*t co»iTitry. The Ncv V'<»rk Ccn«tit'Hion'»l C<<nv*niion ha* refoto n ?trirt nrgT<> sutTr?£< 1 f;y prr>pcr?y quajification. It is rcf>orted that Prrsw!rnt Ju.ir?z, r.f Mexico. wiH er<»ct n mon'.i»nPnt ovr the reinain* of .Mtxiirtifian. Oeneral <īrant hvis onlprc(! the aTre<t of Brcvf-t Maj<)r (ipnml Crawfori. for in{r an onjrr tojoin hi* n*g , iment.

A man n\tned Al>bott. hro!t»er to the histofian of thnt name, hn«* hroicbcd the pro» positinn for ihe annexation <>f Mr # tko to the United StAie«. He 5-tates that Juartz nnd other noMb|<« Mex cans f4vor the propo-«ition. The Senati' on ihe 19th pa?sed a jo?nt resoluti9n to jid)ourn on SfUord*v. 20ih inst4nt. to ihe ftr?nt M«'nday in I)fvembcr. 'The dny of adjournment tixed em hy the S j nnt«» wa<* to hy the Hoiw. but the tJine of rert*sembling is ch»uged to iilst. Homee <jreetev's n'»minntion, on the la?t day of the ?iession. as Mini?»ter to Austria, was defeat-"d in confirmntion by the ohjeo tion of Senator Tipton. of Nehraska, whieh oarrien th<» matter orer to the November >e.««ion. In ltaiy the G:»nba)dinns «>re inovinj* vigorouhlt for the exp ilsion of the Pnpal Governtnent from the Koman States A figi\t had taken betw»/en them and ?«ome lfnlian troop««. I/i Kurnpc h'.ir: are entertained of hostile inteiWion.s «n the part of Ff»tnre. Theseapprehen*ions hnve nlrcady nfrec|ed the money mnrkefM. Son»e interesti» f,' Mexican news in o»ir eolume. Thc execittion of Maximilinn w.n yielded to by Junrez with great reluctnnce, nnd vicf)rously ur[*ed hy Komero, the Afcxican Minister nt VVnshington. Part of n ffirewell lcttcr from Mnximilian to Carlolla is nl«o printed. < Juarez firmly declines re-election as Pre>ident of Mexico. Seventeen thousand deaths nre reported frwn fever th»s season at Mauritiu?, on the inle of France. A report comes frotn Brownsville, on the Texan side of the Rio Grt\nde,- th»t the Mexicnn Oeneml in chief, Escohedo, has written n lctt'.'r of instrucfion to one of his sul)ordinntL's, in whieh the hanishinent of all foroignerd from that country is foreshadowed as a fi.\ed po|icy ; he is a|so credited witti insulting nnd nrro[rnnt lnngunge tovvard ihe United States. It is nlso reported that Oeneml Dia/. hnp ordered the capture of »tll the foreign representatives— Ministcr.s mid Consuls—who do not recogni/e Juare/. Twelve more of tho Imperial Gcncmls lmd beeti shot at Queretnro and 700 Aus?rian troops have been imprisoned, Santa Ann i» wid to bc ?till nlivc nnd a pri!soner in (?umpcn'chy nnd his captors nre i\\\aitin» instructions in his c?\se. lt is belicved tlmt he will We hnve nlsn Mexicnn news via Mazatlrtn, that Mnximilinn, before his death, by will disposcd of S 19,000,000 Worth of propcrty. nnd thnt his reufnins were emkilineil by lenve erthe Mexicnn nuthorit es bcfore they # wprc forwnrded to Vrrn Cruj? for deliverv lo the *

I,OSS OF THR Mff!StONARY 13aRK' " JoHX \Vti.LiAMs." lt is svith (Wep r<»gret tlmt \ve hnvb to nnnounee the'total wrccft of this truly {«plomlni U»rk, nvthe South Sea lslnnds in Mtirch lnst. lt \vmild nppenr th«t the intc!lj*etiee wns first received in Sydney, but wna at firet Uoubted there, n» will bc seen by thc > tbllo\vīngr extntet from the» Hkhai.o af the Bth inst: It b to L>o feared that the report by the i<chooncr Joa, respecting the \vrtck of this l>cautiful ship is but too true. nlthough the purliculnrB «ro very mengre. Cnpt. Kohnn, of the ltM, s iys that while at Knnta\*n a mis«ionnry. whoj»e name he forgets, reported to him thnt the Jpirji \Viluams hnd heen totally \vrecked on one of ehe ttttands formiii£f the Group nnd thnt the wreck had been sold for $500, and that it \vns sup« poseil to havo cccurred during the violent hurricane thnt swept thc islands on the 9th of Mnrclt, c«usinj» jjreat lossat thc Tongn and Fiji £roups. Cnpt. Kohan not havinc heaml this rc|>ort oiiher at Tongu, Vavnu, or ()v«l«u, rspresBcd an opinion that thestory of the wreck mighr harc arisen from the f»ct thnt fhe h»rk Jobn \Villiaais having Bomc ti«ie sincc heen on a reef and suhse> *juently rrpnired īn Sydney ; but the missionnry wos po:<itiw th«t ihe unfortunate a|f»iir took pbcc 011 the bark's l«st pa9sage from Sydncy to the isl«nds. She was eomtitandcd by C»pt. WiHinm?, a gentlemen of consider&bio n»utical particularly among the South Sea Islands t a s«ries of ycars haviiig made him intimately ocquainted with the intricatc navigntion of the varioun groups, nud wefeet assured that his large oipele of friends in these cn!onies will feel dccp sympathy for him shnuid the repōrt prove but too true. The repart n«w l>eet:t confirmed Uy Young t of the Nkva, whieh arrived hcrc ou S.iturday l**t frout Sitvagc l?!«ud. i C'itpi. Yu;jo;» that he stw tho rcmaiusj of the w,reck ou thc nnl' ncar thc isl«ind atl -he U k :*iuriu'.> qf tl»is uionth. Shc diiftcd iuj

| to the reef m a ca!m. and not in n hun-Moe. |a« supp*jtsed. Al! tbe masi? had eone o'it of | the res»ci, but the hu!l was qa»te perfect, with ihe exeep*:oo of ono hof«- in her ; bo?tom. Tho wr?:k had been purch.is€d for ' SōOO a( swmo?i, br fhc cef?brated Capt. 1 Hayes, of the brig Th<? lo«5 cf thls • fine new jcirk wi ? l lr i rt the i Missioaarv So£icn€*.—AuMrūi«wprsmr.