Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 19, 9 May 1868 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


By the arrival of the Umted Siites Maii Stesro*r Mahn earh* on Mondsy we hare datey to Apnl 24th. The Iropeachm?nt trial of Andrew Johnson President of Ihe Uuitcd Stat?s st;ll eontmued «t that date. The arguments were being heard. It was thought that within a fe«r days all the argurnents of tbe managers and counsel wouid be concloded and the Senate retire for final verdict; we may thenefure expect to leam the resultofthe impeaehment by our next advices. Nothing new or encouraging had been heard from the Kecipr»jeity Treatv. It is reported that General MeOook the Onittd States Commissioner to the Hawaiian Court who was at San Francisco and ahoul to embork f r these Islands, had receired n summons to return to Washin«;ton. The American Newspapers g»ve the de* tails of on| of the most terrihie acctdents in thc annala of Kaiironding in that country. The disnster hnppened lo the night train from Buūfalo to New Vork about 3 o'eleek in the morning of the 15 of April. It eonsi?ied uf the Engine, I3aggage. Post Ofiice, four passenger and three sleeping cars. At Carris Koek, the train while running at the uaual rute of spe?d nlong the embarl£jpnt lo or 100 feet hight, it is supposcd, n rail broke, and the last five cars of the train were precipit3ted down tho steep decent, rolliog ovcr and over upon J :, ggfd rnchs to ihe bottom. The last car took five and thirteen persons were burned to death. All the cars thrown c>flf the clifT, whieh borders the Delaware Rivrr, were pnssenger cars. Il was dark when the train reached the foot of the blufT. Twoc »rs were found to be in the River. There wore over 200 passengers on the train but no list has yet becn received of tho kiiied and wounded. Severe shncks of enrthquake were felt at Antigua April 16. A grent tidal wnve visited Guad : »loupe submerging a Brittish vessel heavily loaded. The wave wns simiiar to that of St. Thomas lnst f»II, but was and lasted twentyfour hours. The sea rtceded lhirty iniles, aud left nll the ships aground, when a gigantlc wave returned, threatning general distruction.

Kuropean New». By news from London, April 4, we leam jthatthe Brittish Ministry were defeated by I sixty majority on the question to postpone jto the next Pnrliament Glndstone's molion to disestablish the irish Church. Thedefear of the Ministry is the chief lopīe of conversation. The wrongs of ages are to be ended ; and right done amid the acclamations of the nation. This must gunrrantee peaee. The Dantsh Government hns commenced ; negotiations for the sale of the Island of; | S-»uta Cruz to France, | All doubts as to the safety 6f Dr. Living- ! stone are dispelled. As a ietter hns been re-; !ceivrd from the distinguished traveller. He writes thnt he is in goud healtli. His jourī ney of explorati«.ns has been successful, and , ■ he will soon return to Engl^nd.