Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 29, 18 July 1868 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

English Column.


Bv ihe Sseamer " ws havc bier ne"*« irom zbrozā. The Central Pacific H- Rnad Co.. are now jrunniDg Can acros» the *umtt of ihe mouojtains down »n(o the Valiey ofthe Truckee ou siope. Orer 10 000 men are em- ! ploye<i oa the work. whieh it w now $tated Wiii reach the crt»sing of the Humboidt, 100 raiics east of Keno eariy in Juljr. The Caiu'ornta Grain harrest w reported as unu?uallv promising. The crop of W heat WiU be ihe Urge?t aod bes« ever produced in : that State. Judge Cbase bas expressed his willingness to aeeepi the Oemucratic nomioatioo aa caodidate for the Prestdency—on a piatform embrac»ng the itTtng issues of tbe day. The Pre*ident has uomioate<i to the &• nate Wm. M. Evarts lo be Attorney Geoerai. Suratt was reieased June 22, ou baii of $20 000. The Chioeese Embassy spent the evening of the 2ist June with General Grant at his residence in Washington. A miiitary re- ! view of ihe troops īn ihe Department had been beld in honor of the Embassy. A special Washington Despatch says that Stevens haa prepared and will introduce into tbe Hou?e new articies of impeachment. A Presbyterian Union Meeting of the members of the and New Scbool was held June 14 at the church oftheKev. John Hall New Vork. The aUeiulanee \vas very iarge. South American News The news front Paraguav is that Lopez is arming the women. oud has 40 000 of them on the Tibicuary under Eliza Lynch, an lrish woman. They are sharged with the duty of guarding cominunic»tions. The Emperor of Brazil opened the General Assetnbly May 9th. in the course of his speech he stated that the United States had again offered tnediation for the re-estab-lishment of peaee with Pan»guay, whieh, however, wasdeclined with thanks, thesame reasons existing, strengthened by the late triumphs, whieh prevented the arceptance of the ftrst offer. I£uro|>eun. Englai\d.—lt is now generally understood that the English Ministry will make an appeai to the country on tbe question at issue between them and the House of Commons. The following is the programme whieh the Governmenthas decided on : Parliainent is to be disolved in October; writs will issued for elections, whieh wiU take plaee during iN T ovember, and on the 9th of December the meeting of the new Parliament will take plaee. The Aniversary of the accession of her Majesty Queen Victoria to the Throne of England (June 20) was observed as a holi- ! day. A grand review of Volunteers was held by the Queen and Koyar fatnily, at Windsor. The troops in line numbered twenty-seven thousand of diflerentarins, and I while being revievved by Her Majesty and | brilliant suite of generals and ofFicers, prejsented a scene of grandeur seidotn if ever before witnessed in ?hat country. ! A great meeting of the Kitualists has been held, A Kesolution was psscd defending the irish Church estabiisbment as it present stamts and maintaining the High Church doctrine oi the Church of England. in the House of Coinmons, June 25 the lrtsh Reform Bill was read a third time aud passed.' A grant annually to the Presbyterian Church in ireland was voted. The London ' Telegraph" has been eondemtted to pay «1:900 sterling for the publi« eaUon of a lihel. Prince Alfred has arrived in England. Gbrm*ny.—The celebration of the Keformation was an imposing otfair at Worms June 25. The statue ofMartin Luther was inaugurated in presence of a vast concourse of peopie (orm«ll partsof Europeand Ameri> ea. The Kmg of Prussia and the Crown Prince witnessed the scene. When the statue was unveiled salutes of artillery were fired; when the applause had subsided 4 hymu \vas sung by severnl tbousand totces with immense etfect. Italy.—it is reported that Italy bas issued a cireuiar note to her representattves abroad, announcing that ltaly wiil strictly neutral in the tvent of ivar bttweeo Frauce aod Prussia. The last Papal ailoeunon on the state of religion in Austria i$ receired. The Pope declares that Austria shouid have regarded tbe Concordat as prepetuai in effect, and waros aii persons who approve the laws recentiy pas*d concerning the press, religi- i ous and civii marriage, and public educatioo | to bewate of the pains aod penalties attach* ed to a vio!ation of the sacred rights of tbe Churcb. Oo the occasiou of the deiirery of this allocution tbe Pope announced ibat he had granted a general pardon aud amuesty to those who inraded tiie States of the Church iast year with a few exceptioDs. uio o ko ke Keiki Napoliona noho pokole ana iho ma na kulmakaohale alii o Vieiia a me Peseta, ua hoio ioa aku oia i Kooalioapeia e ike i ke SuieUna o Tureke, o»a no paha ke kiko a ine ka inanao iana o kana huakai.