Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 32, 8 August 1868 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


By the Schoooct "Aiask~a" frwn Ponlaod we rec«ived ten days later o««r». On ibe 4lh of ihe Prrai<ieo* of ihe Unit«l Stales nso«d tfae e3fperted Pr»cUroation of on»Teml amne*:)* lo ali ibe remamiog politic«l offeodcr< of the late rebe«iton ioc4udiog Jeff. Dtvi> himwilThe nei* artkks of icnpe«chrnent presented o/ Sl<vens in the Hods« h«re been referred to the Jodiciary Committ©e, it u reportH has g»*en Demoeuik fnajority of orer len tboosand. The Democratic Pre3ideotial Convenlioo «rhich met in New York. after 19 onioeeea». fdl baHot<i in none vf whieh oppeared either the name of Cha*e or Horatio Sejmour. on the 22d holiol wrent ooanimoosiy for Seyrnour, after whieh Genera! Blair waa oooiinated to the Vice Presidcocy. The California Democ.ratic papers accept the nomioaiion of Seyinuor but !eave Bla»r oat, being too well aeqimioted with him. A nufnberofso-caifed .Sepublicans. who recently jomed the Demo* rratic Party are d»«sati*fied with the nomination ofSeymoor; otherwise, hisname is very acceptable to the porty he represents. From Koiope there are rumors again of a serious conapiricy in Spain. Many arreata of prontiQcnt individuals have been cnade. Austria has disb»indeU 30,000 of her troops. There ar»i reports alao of further eomplieation> in Jupan, a number of the Dainios eoinhinin;; against t'nc Mikailo.