Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 35, 29 August 1868 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


The Steamer Idaho arriveti on the 23-4. (Bundny), bringing dates to the 11 Jotl. \Vc ooliee tbe arTtTai ot Rev. E. Corwxo, and Rev. J. F. Pogue. t!»o Dr. W. Newromb. formeriy a r?sident at the?e taland». We lenn th«t tbe C*lifomia Steim Ship Co. bave decided to lay on two Stearo«rs for th» routc, wtthoutaccepting the Butw»dy from the HAWiit«a Goveroment. We *re infonn. that a contract h« been entered into br the Companr with the Hawamo GoTernment. whereby they bind tbem*elTes to tuo two &teart>eni reguUr)y io coos»deTttion of free wharfage, water privilege* &c. lt tssaid that tbat the Line wiil be extended to Tahiti whenever a fair pro«pect of »ucc«ss ?ippear*. The news from thc United State* is pnncipally incident to the Polit»cal contest over fhe e!ection of a new President. General Grant had returned trom hi» westem trip and had arrived at Galena. his o!d home, and was received with the utn»ost enthuaia&m, the entire population torningooi to weleonie him. European Jeff. Davis arnre<i at Liverpoo| Aug. icb. Qnecn Victoria reached Parīs on the evemng of ihe stb. Aug. She was received at the Statiou by fimperes? Eugenie. and proceeded to the Tu>leries. Prince»s Charlotte has passed into a stage of violent rnadness, her fixed idea being that nhe is kept a pri*oner by her fami!y, and that ahe must eneape to get to her husband at Miran»on. ♦ Dispatches from vnrious |>arts of Spain reprcsent the whole country to be in a state «f disquiet; the utinoat efforts of the Governinent are rcquircd to prevent on out break. Ava. 7.—Cliolera prevHiis on the Barbary Coast In one plaee 556 out of n populationof3ooo have died. Great havoc has been mode in sevcml other town>?. The Sublime Porte has formally proclaimed the cldest son of the Viceroy of Egypt the rightful successor to the vice rega! throne, in the event of the death of lsmail Paaha. The Pope hns called n geueral eouneil of thc Homan Catholic Churchto met in Home, in December, 1869. There has not been aueh a Council convened since thatof Trenr, in 1515.