Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 39, 26 September 1868 — A Defauiter. [ARTICLE]

A Defauiter.

} : — f ! We ooiie* ih»t .\"uubi*r» f the sdiool>' \ Agc«t o{ tbe d*strict of iod»ct- * ; ed at tbe fc»*t terra of the on Kao«i upoo cbarge of fnbe2i»rmeot of. ; $200 of Goreromeot scboo! mot*r. As it , was in proct that Nouhiwa bad onde a p»y-: \ roent of $240 to ihe scbool fund3, perh*ps to ( t bīs SUCCFSSor io the office of scfc|o! ageot,i tbe jury* took the riew that so Iftenl a ret«ro of money borrowed for a time from tbe • .«ehool tratsory. sbootd excolp*£ hini from ; i tbc cbarge of erabezzlement lo othei , words.! f tbatjie had only borrowed $200 of gov-; ermiieot rnoney, aod had rnore tfaao repUced ; ihe Mime by the payment of $240. The ! . jury rendere£a *erdict of oot goiUy. ! Perh»ps the Attoroey general ean expla»n \ why Nuuhiwa was not prosecQtetl for the emhealemen? of $800 rather tban of $200;; : the iortnēr b<siog about the amooßt we are; | infonned of the deficit indicated by the ae-; t counts,of the school funds of U» district. | ! case would doobtless have ossumed a j ; > very dtfferent aspect in r of j ; the jpry bad had beeo reiurned out of about ered, appro{>riated to privaV uses or embez-! i zled. ; # I i Were it »ut that strang? characters are in ; some pbces appointed by tbe Board of Edu-' : cation tu the urtice uf School Agent, we should be astonished to knuw that they had ■ for so long a perit»d intrusted the education' of ihe youth of that district to the care of.' such a reputnble iuetiiber ot the Kowellitej persii;ision. i W e leam that Nuuhiw* made upon the i books i»f the school ogency the charge of, I perhaps $200 lor a school house. Thishouse 1 has not an existence, il' iudeed anv materirtls| jan be tuund lor the c-rection of a house. i Nuuhiwa acknow!edges verbally that he owes ! the goverrnnent a school housd. He has also mude a charge of SGO. ftr a fence! i around a school house. When inquiry is' made iu regard to the loealion of the fence,S he states thut the lun>ber for the saine is! growing in the forests. The timber has not' yet been cut-.' ! Judging from tbe zeal and perseverance | of the Board of Education in punhiingsmall i matters in timps past, we think there issome i reason to hope that they will look after the i several hundred dollars of school funds for; whieh Nuuhiwa should be held accountable. I But judging frotn the manner in whieh the | charge of embezzlement was tnanoged, it is apparent that there is a disposition in! some quarters to treat this interesting ex-' school ngent tenderly. We shall bedisposed to wnieh the results.