Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VII, Number 43, 24 October 1868 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

English Column.


Bv the Un te<i istatc3 maii Steamff Montūna th3t arriT«*i Tue?<i>y rv:r.v.ng thc 4 Joth inH. we hive <i4t'S from London to Oct. «nd froin san Fraficisco 10 Uct. "th. The Smi! P- x p??ti>nce i* reported stili «»n the »n':rease in Ihe city ol San Frar,c:seo. the nurr.berot deathsh*ving Ueome !arger vreekiv than erer before known ir thnt <"ity. —Tf»e town <f San Andfeav Cf''inty sf3t t»f C»iiTfMt vras near«y destrvyed by tire on the n g J it rf S?pt 26—Oversixty hous*s were con«om'd, nn l tiie iosi< u e»titii3U*d at over «75 000. Ttie ucrlf of construcir.g the eonliuenla! T«c f;c Kiii Hc»d 1» now being carned 011 wirh un; recidentrd energy. £x. ivcr',tary Sunton is making effective in fivur of Grand in Ohio. He pronour.ci-J» hitn thc grcv«trst rniii»ry eomman;i«»r a» the «."or!d. Muropenu. TLe news e! greatest wnportance from the «*OntJnent 19 the Kevo!ution wh eh \vas trans* ( pinni; m It apf>enrs to sprit>gfroma g?ueral d»:*Mre <.f the S[tinish people to rid ; tneiiiM-iveb of t!ie present dynasty, and a!l ; paniea *nve the Church are utii(e<i revoi»tion. Tiie !«t§at account.s frun» P.»ris are to the g-n<.-ral tlfect that the revolution ; is every wh»-re succes>fui. The laM ship in the navy hr»s yone over to the rebel.s nml the • rernnnnt ihe «rmy Jeft is surrouiided by over\vhelniing nuiTibers. The Queen of Spain wa» in Kayonne. France 011 the 30 of Sept. Her c«u*e is uitiiiy lost unless the revolu« tionary party di\*ide und make \vnr upon eaeh otiier. The succcss of thc revolutionary n»ovement in Sp;iin ending ns it h»s, in the ] expulsi»Mi of Queeu Isat)elli\ gives rise to mue'n sj>eculution as to her peohnh'e successor. I The nneienl t>f the Ho.se of b«ivriry to disci!ssed, Jiiid the Duke ot Costa, the second ?=on of King V r ictor limanue! istalked of 03 au nvailuble candidate. It is ho\vever reported as t!ie latest ncws. —Thaf it \vns daily more »nd n»ore evident t!iot a grent rn«joritv t!ie people .ire in favor (if, a republican lorm ot (»overnment for Spain.; Tl»e Loiulon Timcs thinks the question of n £uropenn Wnr tren»b!es in the bal(in;e. nnd hints that Louis Nnpoleon is the only innn whu <mu decide it. r J he King of Prussia says he \vants penee but is ready for\vnr, nnd will fight it out il' it eoine?. The Worid's Peuee Congress whieh \vas to nssemble nt Ht rne, S\v»tzerb»i»d on t!»e i23 of Octnber. !»>»s through its m«naging Cominittce subn»ittrd ond pul»lished iollowing ver V grnve quet-tioi»b !t>r doliberntion : p, rs t —l„ \vhat relation to peoee and lihei'ty are the »dvantnges of the abolition of per« rnnnent nrtnics at»d nution»l mihtift or even of general tlis.»rman»ent ? Svcond —WhiU i>re the reUt»on of the socia! and eeonomie questions \vith thnt of penee t»y menns bf liberty ? Third.— in whnt relation to peaee and liberty tire the ndvnnti»ges of separation ot Church nnd St»te? Fourth.— llow niay tl»e lcderative principle be applied in ditlerent eountries,nnd \vhnt roay be the ndvat.t:ige of tl.e Constitution of the United Stntes to Kurope? A Komnn Catholic Priest hns bee:i nrrested in Austrin for issuing n Pnstora! letter Bg»inst the Civil M<irriagp law passedby the Diet. V 011 Beustseeuisdetermined to separate Church and Sl itc in the civil ndmitiistration of the limpire. Pope Pius hns iysucd nn npostul»e letter, nddresscd tonll non—C:»tholic religiousbodies, nnnouncing the torih e«enipg Leuminienl Council. nnd urging theu» to seize the oeea» sien thus ntlorded of rejoining the Church. Rev. Heury .Millnmn, D. D. Dean of St. P#uls Cathcdrul. London, nnd unnotator of u Gibbo»s History" of tho Decline nnd Fall tif the Koman Empire, died 01» tke 24th. of Sept. aged 77 vears. St. pETKHSBUKO-Ser. i?s—lt is reported that the Czar will recal his Alinis(ernt Washington tor instructions in regard to the uew policy about to be pursued by the Empire. A Pam letter says the Chassepot gun is a complcte failure, nnd is one of the most daogrrous \veapons ever supplied to nn armv. lt is bel»eved that the Emperor will change it for a bctter arin. Japan—A correspordent ot the Paei/ie writing from Yokohama notices the new moveineut for rel»gious persecution. The following has bcen posted on the leading thorough(»res: Decree. —The Christian religion, here« tofore being str»ctly torbidden, still in the san»e mnnner as fonneriy is strict!y interUicted. Thedevir»shseet»sstrictly prohibited. M S»multnneous!y, the old decrees agninst Chmtinn»ty are repub\»sbed io the eflf ciat new*papers, together \vith orders relaiing to the treatment of Christians recent!y taken into custcdy nenr Nng."\ski. lf anv do not recant, thov nre to be ptmishetl without n»ercy.