Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 11, 13 March 1869 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]


) ) Thc Uatk "Comet" and steamer Idafo> ; arrived the present week bringmg dates to ! February iJS, The i"ollowing items ofnews are i »oticed. j Amorican. | Thb Dak:kn Ship Canal.—Tbe treaty | negt>tiated by CalebCushingwith the UoTernj meni of Colutnbia was a success.—The tenns Ure verj- favorable to the onited States,— j Thc Ca!umbittn Gorernment cedes a belt of | country Urelve mile? broad, for the purposes j ot the Conal, and leaves tbe determination of the terminal ports to the United Stsite». The chfcrter is for a century, and the work is to be commenced within fire and compieted witbin fiftecn ycars.—-The rates of toii are 10 bc tixed by Congress. A provbiou i* eontained in the trvnty that the Cknai shall be open to aii n«tions in titties of peaee, but shail be dt*sed a«nmst Mis£t»rents. The Kiwtoml Vote ior l l rpsident »m! Vice President was counted Fcbrtiary 10 at VV ag h. iujjtoa-— Alueh coufusiou occurrtd 1« the

Hou&€ oi R«prcs«DUtires owinr- to :he oppo;5»ūoo of certain roerobers to the rote of vhe iState of Georgia boing iociudeU intiiecoon:- } ing. The rote asannouneeU wa«, Grant anīl .Coifax 214 Totes; §eyroourand BUir, SO, Georjria t } and 71 without Georgia. Tbe members for President Gnint"s Cabioet had nct ali been announced. Tbc Pros€cut ; .ons apinst Jeft Davis for treason, and ihose agaiast Lee, Hampton. i Br&:kinridge, Longstreet and thmy others hare been wiihdrav?—The Coort reieased ; thes€curiues of Daris on his bail bond. Ccba.—The very latest Cuban newsshows I that the revolution is mueh strooger than ever before and altogsther in a fair way of potting o!d Spain on her best metal. Exgland.—The formal openiog of the New Pariiament took plaee February 16th. Tbe Queen was not present, aod ber «peeeh was de!ivered by royal coraraission, and read by tbe Lord Chancellor. The Queen nssured the Lordsand Coinmons that the reiations of Great Br.tian wuh all tbe foreign po\vers, are on an excellent footing.—The ihreatened hostiluies in the East have been prevented by the Conferenre ofthe great Po\v».*rs.— The hope is expressed that the negotiotions \vith the United States wili plaee on a durab!e basis the friendship whieh ought to exist be« tween £ngland and America. \ —The disturbances in New Zeaiand are | regretted, but the Queea is sure that pru- j dence and moderation on thc part of the, Government will prevent the recurrence of! such unhappy events. |