Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 20, 15 May 1869 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

English Column.

V«vage to tbf Marqnfsa$i 1%

•W"? fs(r«ct j»rigraf-4i« fro>-ra ihe Kf»p n c? K«t. J. F. Pf«c-3» to lia- ' v.*3i*an B*ssrd. The rt-tori of th« ttr«»ntv**»f}e ' ' fiays «pe&: tv h:ai on ths Marqoesas 1«. M;«*i-on»ry e » < vsr»ty ©i . gb* ar-i wh:ch d5 r -t:?eis« a tn? c f n cf th<* s?st? c.f n:;x rr.:s?scnary rk on ;hat Gr ,up ) ! l'4ror. M»rch '£?:h.—A btith nK»roinr. T?>«r? *fs no peof?e l:T?r-g ?n ihe {ram-»di»P? Ticio ty ei Kauirraiohss , house. Afur praye«. acd U;e3kf*?t we f>r«- j parcJ to gW"«"cr to tfj«e ocxt vai.«y Hikahe- , kau, *.«y l|?o 2 m ie« to church. * * * Tbc «:hui;h ht re 55 a verv ncat one. Tne most k> o( any on th« h!ar; j«. [( *.% buiit ol bo3rd*. Th.iichcd w;:h Cs>:oa le3f, ( a fiwr r f stones upon w?jich is Fpread a <oTcnnp made of ?pl?t fwmw>o whieh c*ves st a neat appe3raocc. This hou«c ts 24 fc«t long, 13 !ect weie and 7 f«?«t bigh, with "> windows aod i <io<r, it h»? U»ncbes a.ī aroun<J it, al*o a uhie and two rh3jr3. The hou»e weli i»dapted for ihe purpose for wh ; =ch U In the mornir.g, i preich* c«J. Kaf«i f(»:iowftl *V)th :ny ;H?r<non !!i Mar* <{ucm»j. .-\ft-er wh-.eh Kaaweaioh.i mn«ic aome rctn trh , atiii th«r j*..eeung was e'.oMil. Thc S':i'iaf>l then VcrM>s from Oif(crcnt parts t ! thc Scripturc we?o rccited by »M |»rr.'icnt. Therc werc alwul 4S pcrsons prc.«cm »: thc moniii>g serv;cc. Aftcr a *hort rcfc.«K» ihe peopie eame ogatn to ob« • vcrve thc Lord'« Supper. 'J0 (*on»rnu«»icanl.> wcrc prr-sent from f»re or mi; (iak'rent na-: Thn Lr r<l was wi:h u?. It wa«good to V-c thcrc. Thc l*a«tor of thc Churoh pre.s»drt), an=l was ai;ie-l hy Knnvi. After thc 5 i-otiitnunion I mado ?nmc retnarkis thom to i>rotiieriy love, to yive t*f their sublaw lor liie sprejd of thc nnd to have their oiuidrcn edu«;ai*-d hir ihe Lord. The mccting b<'ing Kaiwi, atid myseif returrjcd on foot to Hukanahi. The (irst Sabbath -;H't»t with thechurciies i-f Nuuh»va, A ?al»'j.ith to be long remen>bered. Mar. h 129th. — Karly ihi* morning Kau« i wenloha, ami Kniwi 1 eīt for ihe brig to bring Kau wealohaN thing* nshore. The returned obot)t 11 oeloek, soon after the C.ipt., eame.; And the r!i"ht Pupih of the *chooi dressed ' »n new eilieo yented themsclvcs nround thc 1 room vvith Kahili their tcachcr. Kauwealo-; ha commenccd ihe cxamirt!ttion by request- • mg Kaiwi to pny. The pupils were ex-: amineil iu thc l'i-a-pa—SpcHing. i\eading m thc Gospcl el John—Helu kamalii. They were also (juestions on tho OUI Tcsta-■ inent History, and from the Catechi3m. Thcy thcn ?evcnl hytnns nnd rccited togethcr thc Lord'a prayer. I mad<* sot»»e re»narks to J the i-ehoo!. Kaiwi followed and aho the | C,ij>tain. TUr pt»pifs did very wel!. Tl»e tcachers mu>t have j»pcnl mueh timc, and la-. bor tn dnlling them. He could not but eon-1 tr«»»t thcse i:irl.s well dresscd, ol»edient to lhetr teachers, ktnd to eaeh o«her, healthy,| a»ui elenn in person with those who were | st.»ndmg »U»ut the door with nu ciothcs, but! a inaro, tikhy iu appearance, rough andbois-; terous in manncrs. May the Lord ndd; jx»wer to the iustruction of these teachers,; and give thctn to scc souls from among their| pupils conveītcd to God. \Ve now dincd,| nnd made prc}«aiation to£o to the vesseiHt Ha«; kahekau. Having un»'.ed in singin«j n part-1 ing bymn f andprayer t we U U Hakanahi hope- j ing ?oon to n»eet again. | At the house of Knuwealohn l met a chicf by name Makohi a friend ol Kauwealoha,; wlio thinks he i* a good man. This Mako-; ht has a son who has been wieh Kauwealoha i tiom the time he tirst eomineneeii the l»oys! school. He is a tine boy. Kiuwealoha hasagooddealofconfidenceinth« l>oy, desired : him to go to the ?chovl nt Puamnu. Thej father has givcn his consent, but the l>oy weepinjj says he cannot go. He is nfmid they will kill, and eat him there. His eompauion iu the school consents to go to Puainau, and we wili take him with us on the v<rsscl. Makohi i? nlso to go with us on to Fatuhira. Ahoul 1 o'eloek the anchor was takcn up. and we ?ni!cd lor Taioha»'. .\uuhtwa.