Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 36, 4 September 1869 — Underground Jerusalem. [ARTICLE]

Underground Jerusalem.

A-'t '<tiui, r r\ii iuiio!) a!>i>ut iy open !M fht* ])ut]icy i»aliory o! the bijyj'ti;»n Hnil, :t> LnjM{on. Thc numcrmis rn!ltvtion>- ol* th«; l'ule.Min»* IC\j>lor.»tun) m nnii ;vU)utJeniwuli atst vjuo īoiio lroiu v>tUer |>.jrfs o! 11.0 Hujy {>roui, r ht limne hv:Mr. .M. (»rPi;"r. the wnu in;nie thc re- ■ cnt fouiarKal»ie vi«yap? 111 tl»e i'.uioe •• Ju»h ii'>y " nj>on thf \vattT.sol Syri.i and Paifstjne. iu*ve be< !i t\rrun ■.;».• »i īcr insj)tction, with a sfries *>! neHrlv three humireii an»i t»;tv pi)uto<4;raphu- vievvb, taken m a!l jwirts oi' ?!iC o»>'.infry. lne Louilon Tcl(i;riiph «ays : •'Livufenant Warren, ns is well known,' ha< 1 'een imlustriously unoovcrin:r thc very i>! the uneienl ckv in the ?ervice ol' fhe [\iltMaie lv\nii»raHon Sf-eiety. i)is *'it>!err.t:u au lab(>is hav»• revealeti w|iat uiav be • >fnti!ie(i Jewish hv. i(eha>-Lr°nc liowu tiiuety tett in onesp<it; and, ai the • <>rner < { the Jl.ir.rn r>peeialiy, at the Je(Uh cl teet, he has tli>cic>vj the l'oumla-t!on->!oues ol t!ie <-iii Teinplt\ sf.jiitl i»finn tiie liviny roek, besitles eh.inrbcrs, wails, a<jueilttet.s, ci>(erus. Mt>.i arehes, whieh atter iiiv*rei!ib'e teil, l»i themseives itito a:t mlelliphle plan, revt-a!inL: to us the nai ,Jeru>aīe<n ol the pist. Those exeava» tions have earrie<l baek researeh. iutleeJ, to the <! >ys f>nlarnon ; for in one >pot a \v.tter otir>e t>f tnasenrv has been !ountl u»uier the temple wai! itself. an.i there are rebes in thi& e\hib:tio;i wiiieh <'i!iuc from that vry phee. The bottom of the Birket Jsrt»l. or J*ool of Hetbes<ia, also ontnbiites m the eoileelion, as weil ns the waii of i)phel an the Tyrop<rutn Va!ley ;' aiul a; ihe foot of tbe South.esst nn-'ie of the l«reat lvumpart. whieh now siistHitis the iticM(ue> of (,)m:u nnti .Aksa, have been un\r:.t!l >t >nes iK'arin£ ietters ineiseJ with a .'hi>fl or painte<i in reJ. These have been >!u»i!e<l bv Mr l)entseh, nmi tieelnr\'ti to i>e eon>truction mark> of t!ie Phimieian masons who butit the Temple. The j\7C-sirti!es oi fht'tt» t(ius ftir hrought home are verv murh like the first nttempt of a stnnll t>oy to innke n^nn. s upon ht> slate; but chey are as>uredy o! ii;nuense aut»(uify, an<l no doubt they r' piT>ent, as is state»l. theaetual memonuuia <•! thr of Tvre aiul Stdon. *who te-<«k Uie eontr«et' t'roni Solomon. tne kin::, to bui:«! hts Temple. From sitniUr mme>"i an ! wealih Lieutenant Warren M*nJ> us tn th:s exhtb t!on the vartous finds inneno v\hmned. •• The treasure-trove is. of eourse. of\i:i]er- < r ; : ejnvhs. an»l very varving nnj>ormnee. Thcr*f :s a >tjiiare br,ck from lvnea:h !he 11: i of Uphel, wiueh is kiiu-l>akeii, anti comes fietn tiie eity «> K e\tstctl at and before the iMiie o? Cfui>r. Hy the sivJe e! that rrlsc are tie{x»>iati three or k>ur lvi!ista baiis, roughly • !>;p;H«i out ot stone, antl from five t»« tifteen |Hntttds. whieii wxre fou;iv} tn tiie <iebns ot" the ryrajHvutn. «nd most pr\*>babiv \%ire uuo the city bv the ari«v c( Titus. Kefaders of Josephus wtU reeoS;ect how waiehmen npon t!ie wa! : s of Jt rt:s:i'e!n nsev! to 'ook out for those stone >hot> auti erv, , Tiie \vhite boit eumeth/ Mere tbey «re just a* tbf h!istūrii r»etn ; ,»mL ntsitnui: \vht n eomjvii\"d w!tti iiM Ant»>trt*»!;i s» K .fi, thcy musi have Uvti .itvw.tr ( to encouuter. t •■» h«»>mui:t ae kekalii p*nptfa i k,\ nupepa "Manawa" o liadaji.-i, e o'elo ana, * a«a <> Sr»ptij;.t nil i.e o Lc kaui. <) U*n\\ •'."aiiion'a .lua, «.i iie;e !o-* .1 he j;. » k ' ia i ka !tikt Ke oliī f ua a«th.»u/'