Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 44, 30 October 1869 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

English Column.

The Labor Question.

A' i2M the fv.ps iar vo;e<: h;? b*£vn i*> r>f;d : n, sr,i thai r-: ihe rr.r*ii untr.;*uk*« >.{.•}c k:r»d. Tne *ee'. jn£ ha? ic-rc i*?en srr»ouldf ring in our Hawaiian cf?«i«7»ur 4 ;iy. bcl'< :o:e-;ga .ind nst;ve h»orn. iha ; oar f rr*ent ion:2ed ;a» Knr fys:e?n :s ro::*r.. from roc ; ? to tri&ch. ; Tne :nngcr p*>bhc '-p-nion **,ov:ttīcd. ihe t'.ror.g*ī n crcw*. Thc i'v.:h fcw r Acppt*c-n*? > and ibejr Sait*!h*«es.' have m clostnrr ?heir eyc? to the aelual siaic el aiTa!rs f and in endeavor.ng t/> make cthers U-ijeve tbat t.har vietrs were cndcr?ed by tbe gre.at ma/«r.ty of the c<«mof ;.v:;e ksīands. and ihat ihe-e *.vho , wfre boid to adrocate the cpfo>>te ; v.cre on»y a i'ew f3ciious diFt'Jrber? who ' «i:d n?«{ rcprvsent any contideraj>!e por;:on cf thc H-niimeni. Hut tne cr.thuv!ast'.c, a:;-i united pu''•.';•: me'.iine- v,|, ; ch have h:o!y l>ecn he!d jn ih:-*- iown, have m©sl emphii:C3ily d;speiled ; 'eil v :*y f;»r any furfher dream»n~ ef thi: r*. \V<• • houid have a *tron?er • trnn i'.m r<fr?s,f>i. We i houid have said a . ; c.f -eeh • reami-•»g i; r.*:ncvfor:h j r ( d. \S'*-re \\ r»ot that the hsstorv of ihe pj : -t ''i 'i'»; īti u? liiai or. the part of our ; }:• «■.M.!i::-Jry aii r.io; r s arc po--ihie :n ' thr *«v:ty of bn»zen efl*ronterv and seif co;n- : I ... -'-nt i'. i: u:npi!o:i. i lt i- nn msuit io ihe intei!ircf:ce r>..nd ■<. :nuu".i mmi-e. bo:h of thc i ar»d na« tive cominun»:y, fur any ottc lo wiy, has he ji rvp' ;j>. <i.y i;hat :f i.- noi the popul.ir r>; ih ii i- r»-: ini-e meelln::», hit t:n: t!»'.-y are n:vre ? y up and i;'"irj ;•■;:. tvd ?v a f'".v ir.-i! *.*.<' 'iu!- i-.r {'oiilie.il | urp"'.' -. ih 'PL' h.i» verv evi- ')• nt lhr.»UL-ho!it; nr;ti ihal ī*. in:»! Ihe Mm?>try an-.l > ine o! t.'H- Piiinter?-hav»» :r.tiii-d i>- r<.c ld KKimpuhiie ti.c M«-etini:s, ;uid lō pr». v"ni e.\; •ivss:ou ti[ [i»<r popular v-<:- e, h i v«.' i;:om .-■!^ r naiiy !aht d. And if thry. w.th n!i iiit-:r ;ur iy (, i mmn'l-r;al prcst ;uid PanU'mn pvtrun;rj?, h.-.ve ūii!ed, <':thcr by c.-?j?i!».-ry, or ha!f Mippre.-scd t!ireats. ■ >r r<» r!y :ni:.v, fo nu».nipu!a(c nieetmwe submit tiiat no t\vo or t!irt-o individun!> .-\re auy m<*re !ike!y n> !«.- aiiu\ved. by eiiher our native orforeiyn : pripuiatmn, to du uil their tUiiikiriir for thein,' fr to iV;ui ti;em l»y ti;e nose. The day ha.s hy t'.»r Mie'n whimni; insu!ts to ihe manhuud and of thv v'ommuimy. Anothrr ha? leen very nutioeah!e in aii thoe in ihe d:>L'ussion of our h\i'or M*siem nt ihfse ,-iands, the t-onduct ;\nd nr:;atuents o( tln; Pi.mieMuiniīMennl p-»rty have l>eeu .-irniiar in k;nd if not <piite īn iici;rce to tiiat oi the Buliy-i3ruokses iu < nnd fhe Sontheni JSlavehoiders of :he Unitcd tiiepa!iny <lnvs of the •• }<cuimr i!istitution." Ttie spiri' i.- the .<tune, though s<»me\vhat nioJihed by circum>tances. The urgut;u.>i's used an» the same. In what tiien does thc etUct of our eooiie systein on the l'lanters themseives, nnd tiie Mimstry, <iitier frotn the etfeet of the Slavery Sy?tem un its promoters mul ndvocaies in the United States m former yeors '! The tree is kuown by Hs t'ruit ; nnd the fruit being the same, the ruot is the same. There n\ay t>e a liule <ii(fcrence iu the size of the tree, and in the torm. si/e nnd pi sition of the branches, but Tiu: v»;i*rr is the same. That, ot itsell, is in our minds suflicient, proof. if there were no other,that wenrcjustilieil eoolie systetn of labor is *• contrary to the spirit of the age, M thespirit of freedom nnd e<]ual rights ; and it mu*tgo. ilown before the march of evcnts. lf so, ehen the suoner ihe Pianters and uil conccrncd recognise the faet, nnd vo!untarily prepare the way, (he bctter. I'or t!us ques>tioti eonecrns not the Plantersniul the Ministry alone, iu-r ewn chieJly. It eoneem? everv cinzen of these is!,unls e<jui\j!v, as u mau and a freenian.