Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 50, 11 December 1869 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

English Column.


By the3rr ralo? ihe Khoone* Fh/in£ D<irt are in rrrcipt newi : Hava>a. >'ovember !Stb. Mr. lWpr. ih»r Engmh Cons!jii at Trinio»d, charg«>d w ih ronmrance at ibe eaeape of trig E"hn. arj j wiih cn;mni:ting an act of bartarity ?n tne bng's car~o Without not ' v<ng tbe The aelion cjiu«??! mueh comment aniongtnerrhanU. anda!ega» pr r^.fK5 : wiA be t*ken to procore jortKe. Lojk2 has tranf-i r erre<l his Headqu3rters to Jozquin. it is reported ti.at Lopez has hss mother jind ooe of hia brothers. )n r of a suspicion that tbey \rere m a con*piracy Brrain«t his Jife. Ihe twei»ty.fire Spani«sh gonboa!s have a!j !,»cen brought to New YorW, but are det*<ncd by order of the Pres»dent—Peru be- »' u* thc comp!ainnnt ; biit Peru h»s not y<*t i jvtifj.-d the su. & h.'rion that they were intendei agiinst her. .Nkw \ obv, Novr-rr'}.»er 2od. say t' « Spiir.i»>h Governrnent has made form<»! <i r rri^nd forthirty qtinboats now in New York i." rb»r. L.\ovnmf>rr 17th. The followinp <\< pirrh \vris F':' 3 JVcd frnm the fsthmus of l?rm]in f on Wtdnrsday niehl : *• Thc '..'M (]' t-hmi-nt of tl»'.' fieef, with vi«itors, l'ort S.i?<!. tron» thss p!«c»*, inS« hour«. r i t".ini"rs hty »* j•!-1 arrived i'pnn Su»-z. *-niihpm tornii'H»« "fth»* enna! from Port S,i : !. I h' -1 towr» rtn the bml»s of the enn.-»! ir.'l n!i t!<e m*»}* ire i!!uminnted ; the n?rh{ ;'ivon up to fevtivities.'* Ir.; - Nnvcmi 15th. The JonrnnlOffiad ;>;sM:shes thr i'eilnwini» tei**gr»phic :!CCount i' '.!■»* pr<'»ijr ,e ? nf tl»e ICmpres-sof theFr*nch : i!»r M >j"sty ;srrived nt Pi,rt S;ud to-dny, : . r- wj» r' C» vi.! nmi sub-f quent.y v.-»- vi-!?' d <»r» }k-:i?*<! ht*r va<*!it Aigle by the \ ic»-roy<'f Kyvpt. Hni[H'r«jrc.{ Au>iri.n, i'rinct' K"v i! nt Pru.«sin. Prii»c** nr;»! Princess of Ho! : nfid comtti:indpr"' of inerj-of-war in the ; h."»p>«--r. T!ie Kmpr» , s<- subsequentlv lan<icd. : nii'i : v d at a Te Deurn ;tn<l Muss e4 lman ; }=ray. r.-, whieh *.Vf ro c!nnted on the occn?nxi of t!ie vf the r:mal. In tlie »'Vf i f;inu f!ie shij)pirii» iu th«_* harhor were i!!u-' run;it< «j. nnd a di>p!nv of tireworks on sea | nii'i .s!)ore took plaee. j Pum Sajd, November lSth. To-day im-jro-Mve rebpious cereuionie.s were held in i i'•nii»]»'ction with the openmg of the eanal. A j m'!» inn b!essing on t!ie work was invoked by j fiiancs, A!mer of Empress Eugenie\si suj[.'. He | reached a sermon, in whieh he ! <■i;mtiji;ito the wor!d on this grand enfer-1 j.nst? ; thnnked the Khedive, who, he said,j b.id miniortali7.ed h»s name atid reign by '• ii" pcr *tion in one ol the prentest undetak-! of>uodern tunes. He dwcit in terms of j !ivrly irrntilication on the hberty of worship| wiii<'ii !).ui l>ecn grnnted to Christians, and ! t!mnkrd t!ic Kmprcss (or the sympathy s!ie hnd i>liown nnd M. De Lesseps for the rxert:ons he hnd made to bring the work to eon»p!ction. He nho returned thnnks to nll the <'ti»er iiiustrious personages who honored this ! o."t ;ision wiih their presence. The Em|>eror| <>f Austri?i, thf? Efnpress Etigenie, Vicerov »f i Kcypt, Priru*es nf Prussia ;tnd Ho!land nnd i:iany Envoys assistcd at the cerotnouies. Thc multitude of sp«ctators wnsj !inmense nnd thu greatest enthusiasm was I munfcstcd. i>M.\LiA, Thursday, noon. Thirty-four I >tcimrrs huve »rrivrd ; others nrc cxpec(ed. At .shnl!owest j>oint l>et\veen Ismaiiuanei Port

Suul. the ivntcrof tlu» eanal is 10 fect dccp ; it i*- i:»Mjenii!y from 25 to **0 feet nlong thc wliolo l tie. The lestivitirs are contmucd \vith i;roat magniticencc. Therc are unmcnso i-n«wd< nf visitors froni all parts of tho \vorlti hrrr. Thc numt>ci of guests that hnve heen ially invitoil c.\ceetls 3,000 Europeans ;•»)(! LV>.OOO Onenl.ils. Thc cxpcnditure of rnonry is unlimited. Thc entire Hcet starts u>r Suez to ;norro\v. Tiic buildinixs in Umalia nre tillcd with 'Miots and other vi>itors. The surroundins pl.\ins nre covorcd \vith thc tents of the naīiv•* tri!>os, who havo nsscmbled in £rcnt Tiic iake in front of istnaiia is briilinntly i.hiiuinatcd; thcsceneisoncof greatsplcndor. IV Lossops a banquet this cvcning to iho ro}>Toscntntivos of thc Chaml>ers of Commerco, mcmbers of the press and others. Ismaua, Kriday, Novcmber 19th. The tV x ot t.{ >ionmships s.uied this for Suez. t!:o hiipennl yacht Aig!e, U»aring the Empross tuking the le«d. S: kz, Sunday {(ia Aiexandria.) .\ovem-l't-r lMst, T.ie Inaugurntion lleel of fortv{iv<• stonmors arrivfd here. Noncwereobliged 10 emp!oy pilots. The only difficulty lhry hnd w;is owing to tlieir nuniben? ; sonie were cro\\ded upon the b\nks of the eanal several iitnos. but goi olf without troubie f the sandy noither no!ding uor hurting them. Un iviug Ismalia se\on\l steamers fouled eaeh i<tfier, but (io sonou.'s dnmnge \vas done. Thc watcr in eanal bo!\\ fen this point and lsmah.\ īs hill twenty fect deep at the shallowest <;u>t. lu several pam »t »s less thi\n t\ventytive tcet, tmt at aii thesc points the k\ttom .•sn l»o easily deepened. A steamer drs\wing t ; .'tccn JtTt ean navi£ate from Port Satd to Suez wuh ease iti iifteen hours. The water dot»'i wash n\v;\y the banks as mueh as was apprvhc'.uled. Ttu» complete suc»*ess of the C*cai work cvceed:« ali expet:tations. The arrans!enients ior transporLition and tafcing care of visitors here are ccnerally excellent, l\>sr S.\it>. Nov<Mnber 2l?d, The ship !!utrk t lo the te!e;;raph servioe, has passvd through the c«nal, and wiH lay * ie)e«:raph cnbie frotn this point to Suex on the bottom of ihe eanal. ]'aris. Nove»nber23d. The Jour>ml QsciH li« the foltowing difspatch from Port S<\id : Thc lmperial \*acht AigU \vith the Empress on board, and the Impenal lleet, lcft Suez vesterdav an<l reach«r<l the M«diterranean toii.iv. The success of the inau?uration is Tb 4 Kmperor of Austr»a wi!l ',mvc (\tiro on Tuur*day, on hīs returo to Kurope. Thc liishop «>f Ha\-ana arrived at Cad»x. n»d einbarked for G ibrahar. but w*s arrested on the steameir and taken ashore. and js now dctaitied at the palaeeoi* theGovernor of Cadiz. Lonimn. Nov. 23d1. The An<;io-Americiin Telejrr«ph Coinp«ny have le«s+sl one ofthe»r iwa Atlantic cables*to a German Company. \vith whom ncgotiations have pe«diog. Th« tenu of the fe*M? U tive ycar*.