Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 1, 1 January 1870 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

English Column.


Rv cf our Hawa :an Pac*fls Elhrv AUen (~omrt and maī! *<r linhu on 27th aod 2Stb re£pcctiTelj, we are 111 reoeīpt of newa r.i whieh tbc fo'!o«ing are ihe imp^naniExlract froa F'rcs Graot*s Mrssage. Orx ocīghbors JW?oth ot tne Ltiited Ststēs. io Ohina and Japao. sfcoald rece;re oar special attentioc. ft wiU be the endMror of the Ad©ioinra-*io«» u> coU3r»te ?ucb rtbtioas «ith all thc-!«? nations as to eniil'e 05 to their confidcnri*. and make it their wlemi as wei! «s ours to escabl«h better commerci?i! rel%» iions. ?hrottgh tfec agency of a tnore en. !ightened polky th»n that here(nfore p»rsued 5 Chifta. w'.iieh is iarge!y due to the S32*citv tod eSorts of one of our own dist)n. j guubed cirz£iis. tbe wor'»d is about to eom-1 meoee iarge!y inenaueid reiations with popu*' Jous and hitherto exclusi>e naiion. As the : United States have laken ihe initiatory in! the new pol»cy tbey shouid be tbe fuoetj carne*;t in showing their gcod faith in mak- j jn- K ' ii a sufcess. ln t'nvs eoineeuon, I adv : .se ; such )e£?ißlation as will forever pr*ctode the J er»ltvement of tho Coioese upon oursoilj un«ier tbe name of <:oohes, ami a!so to pre-1 vent Amenean v«se!s frorn in| transportation or rooiies to any country | ioicratiog ihe *y<-tetn. i also recommend ; that the tn? vi ;<oti to China be rassed to one of tbc <ir v t AniPrir.a. \VA e HiN«roN. DeremU-r Sth. The Po*t« (ieneni seoi; to Uie H'>u!»e of Rcprernt»tives 10-day the estintate» for his Depart*ncnt for i!ext ii.«-cai vear. '1 wenty«ftve i a 11 nif tt»ti;nuis wtii be retjuired ; of whieh } $l.'i ..">07.000 np f«ir thetran,soortationof iuai!s inl.irxi ;Hid Si.SOO.OOO for forcign transporMtion ; nlso tne fu!lowing smns in addition : For sfeanvTH r*nnTou San Francisco, Japan and <'hiun, »0.000 ; betiveen fhc United State.s and Bra/>i, 8150,000; betweeo San I Fnn«' atid Sandwi«;h lsiauds, 815,000. W akiuni.ion', December 13. TheTurkish Miuister hus jtist received a telegram frotn • ihe (Jnuid V:zi< r advising him lhat the | Khedievc of Egypt has so!ernniy proci.n'mcd ; a firmi»n, of wnieh Servier Eiiendi, Envoy ; to the Porte, w«->s bearer, that the difTicuities j l»etween the Suitan and the Viceroy is de-; liniteiy «nd satisfactoniy adjusted. j Leading merchaots of Chicago are moving : to have that pi«ct mode nn originai port of» entry for forcign ships, to whieh end they ! will memoriairze Congress. j Some Isrteiites have had a t«ik with the | President. They wi«:h him to use the good olTicps of this Government !oinduce the Czar 10 revoke an oid ukase, whereby two thou-! sand Jewish fatniiies have been expatriated; from their homrs in Bessarubia to the far interlor. The i'resident promised to comply ; with their request. • Havana. DecemL>er 11. A sharp skirmish ; occurred yesterday in the neiglibor!iood of| Trinidnti, betwe«?n tho Spnuish troop?? and ; the insuments. The resuit is notnscertained.; Havana, November23d. An nttempt vvas . reeentiy made in this city up a negroes' j rebeiiion on a piantation about Sngua. The j piot was discovered the ringieaders arrested. j December 4. The Spanish Bank j wiii issue six in»liions currency as an addi-1 lional ioan to the Government. j Murope. Maokii), November 23d. In obedieoce to ( a rcsolution adopted bv the Cortes, caii,iug for infurmation, the Government has been ; obiiged to svbmit for exitninalion documents I whieh impiicate the Spanish Kepubiicans in ! a consptncy wiih tbe insurgeuts of Cuba. i Thc Govemment is determined te udopt vi-1 gorous measuresagninst certain bishops, who I left the country for Kome withoui passports or permission. t Cari»sts are ngain conspiring'n the Spanish j provinces> Pnui suiys Si»aiu has furnished i nearly 40.000 truops for Cubii sinee tiie be-! -iun«ug of the rebeliion Hhere. • Ali the Ualian Bishops but five have laken ' the oath to be loyai to the Pope. ; The bark i\W, after passing through the' Suez Canal and eighty«si3C miles down the l Ked Se«, was wrecked on the sth December. | £skm.v, Decembcr 4. The Cbinese Ki.v>y was yesterday received by the Kingj nnd Quecn nt the Koyal Paiaee with rnost j ini{>osing ceremoiuirs. Mr. Buriiugame pre« seutrd an address, and w»s ' received with ; t«arked attennon bv Count Rismarck, who; «ieci«red the wann friendship of Prussia nnd i North Germany was with the Unitrd States, j and piedged the hearty co-opera(ioii of Prus- j sia vvith the Fmlv»ssv in itsmovements. The ; rereption-was a grand o(T!tir. | Vib*»a, l>ecember 4. Prince Metternich,! An*U»ssad<»r to Paris, has arrived here. The objeci of bis visit is to reeeive iustructions from this Governnient iu regardj to quc6tions «t issue betweea Prussia *nd f Ausiria. I \\vrious Paris ietters pub)i.<hed 10 the j mornmg papers ngree tbnt the Emperor s -peeeh »t tho opemng of liie CorpsLegisiatif ull t\ k \t on the pubiic uūnd. and dis»p;>ointed Tbe inore the speech is con«idered the | ' is liked. i sts. Drcember 2d. France xind Great' n are m»kinge!fortstosettiethetroubles 1 nne Poiie anil ihe Viceroy; )eceral>er 7. The .Ministerial; .s*?. and Gen. Ciadini bas been f le King to form a netr c*binet. December 7. A corrp®pondent of tfs has been prohibited from eutenng | dpmi St*tes. *Ur:s. Deceuibet 7. lt is rrpi>rted that tbe | iUMrtaa Government has OTerwheiiningpß>pf | .1 the p»rticipaiion of Pnisiia in recent Dti- i inaiian tnsurrectton. ! Kou«, December Sth. Tiie Eeumenieal 1 Cauncii waa o|>ened to-day by the Pope. Tht \ wcather uofa*orab!e~; r»in failing i at mtervals throughoot the day. but »n eoor- j inous crowd liiied the Vattc»n. and iined the| xrm tl«rough whieh the men»bere of the I P*.ssed. The l'ope, M!ow«d t>y 700 Bwhoj»,l P*peea<le4 to the haii of ehe Council« atnid tbe ringins of beiis and thunder*)g ofcannon from ihe for& of St. At»gflo ai d Mount! Aveotine. The Hoiy Father i? in fine heollh. The

aod the bnH of t!je Gr-»r«cil are oecop»ed by sorerejgīi«iod prin:es now in Konie, hirsd by raember; cf the Corps Dsplomattqye ntid oihrr notab<e*. The cerea.c :;e?exceif?«i ?n cr*ndeur and m%cnificenc? ar»y tbat have ukēa piaee ioJEUwae Wiihio tie pre-seot eea- } * tanr. Co?sstaj*tinofle, Deccml<er 1. Asteiiner 4 ;aden wnh gonpowder seized to-d«y on siasptcw» of betng deatined for iiworgeo»i :n Bolg4na. Lissox, December 1. L»ter adrices from 1 P*riguay state that Count D*Eo, »n h:s persuit cf Lopfct, bad arrivcd at San fistam!ids,'• lately oceopied by Lopei. \ Two steamers, of 2 400 lons eaeh. passed i s«iccessrf»lly tbro«gh tbe Soez eaoai 00 tbe j 27tb instant. Lesseps pronoooces tbe eanal. a comp!ete success in a?l respects. i Riotoos processions and meetinjp bar»' again become the order uf tbe day in Cork, I Dtibiin, Clonmei aod Gipperary.