Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 7, 12 February 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

English Column.

The Work of Foreign Missions.

fhc Mtssionari/ t'tr Januarv 'iaa i:& t u.«unl .Annunl Survov <>f tlu* r<(nn«.vted whh ti»c Am»Timn fn>m wlii«.!i wc make' tbe following extmrt. The M Surrf*y " Fnyp : | Sinec thc l»vt Annual i>unrcy waa prcparo.l, »n- j trlli«:en(.*c has rwivcd of the <ktith of one | otdained nwl one niule uiui thn>? fe- | inale a«sietant miWiunane*—thc veteran I)r. j King, w lnug thc honoml reprcsentative of I tho Board »d lireccc ; Mrfi. Sondere, vrho had l>nt | rcconUy returno<l to Ceyl«>n, in thc hope of ycar« i of active labor for the woinen of that couutry ; Mr». aftcr inany yosire of «lf-«icrificing dcvotion to thc aoei.il and rer»gLoue welfarc of thc Indian tribca of thc Northwe*t, and Mr. andMre. Abner Wileoi, who rccently eauie to thc Unīte<l . s; tatci«, after morc thnn 30 ycare of lailhl'ul and uf»cful li\bor at thc isandwich Islands in conneetion with the aehoola. »Souic also, not yct fallcn ai'lwp, through failurc of hcalth, or for othcr rciwons, havc <-ea«ed frotn their mipsionary work nnd froui conncction with thc Board, and a vcry cf)nt«idernble numbcr have found it nccc««iry to vinit t!icir nativc land for rcst and tho rccovcry of heallh. Un tho othcr l»nd, one ordained mis»ionary, one phy»ician, and four women, have returnetl to thcir ficlds aftcr eneh a visit, und (including two mis?ionancs and thcir ivifcs who I werc furmerly in thc work, but !md !x>en releaBeil, aml now enUT agnin uj)on it) 34 new laborers— li.ordaincd initttionune6, 2 phyt?icituis, one otl»er unonlniuol mnn, 15 marned and 5 unuiarric<l women—!mvo gone out. Tho vcar liaa J>ecn ono, to eay thc lci\Bt, of geneml well BUfitnine<l progret« in *tho miwion ficlds. Thcre havo becn triah*—iu Westcm Turkcy, vcry K>rc trials—but thc addition of 1,600 iucinberH, by pu»fcs»ion, to thc miw-ion churchcs; dccidctl l>rogrc«» in ncnrly nll thc mieisionB, in thc very liopel'ul wurk of developing nativc talent—raieiug up in tho miwion «jhools and Bcminarics, efficient ani acccptublo pwtor«, nrcachcrB, and tcachorB ; markevl progrcss nlw in thc dircction of ftclf-fiup-jK>rt and of miecioDary cffbrt among thc churchcs —in thc dcvelopmcnt of a Bclf-du»taining, felfprojM*gnting Christinnity, of nelf-govcming ehurchc«, with a workiug Christian Bpirit; a M«tc of t!iing» in Syiia whieh lojuls tlic miwon to k;iv, thcre wan novcr wen a brightor day in thc h»Btory of tho Syrm minion thun thc piwenu Htcb opcnings in i'enia, among othcrs than Ncslonan*, and eueh a chaogo of pro«cnt and pro- j i»pcctivo phuw aa eall for a chnnge of name, eo! there i« no longor a Ne«torian mieeion, but a īoiwion to Pema ; thow;ndingoatofw con(»idcm-! blo a numbcr of new laborcrs ; thc going forth of n hrotber. bclovcd for his own sake and belove<l for thc fathcr's eake, to eommenee a new mie«ion in Jnjxm ; thc libcrality of thc churchct> at hoiue u>ward thc Board, and the progrcK« of thc ruovcmfint connocted with Womnn'n Bt>ards ofMiwion; ull tho®e aro tuuong thc jthings whieh checr and e;4ll for gratitudc. \cver werc thcre t*tronger motivCH for coii£«cration to th® work of Chn>{— lbr oarnc«t and well dircctcd efforts U> completc thc work bcgun—nnd never more oec.\sion for carncstand provailing praycr on thc part of all who look ibr the triuuiphs of Clu-tet'B kingdom iu carth.