Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 21, 21 May 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

English Column.

K ForeigTi Misceii«iy. j

■ ]t i? ?aid that a "Lean Men*s AssocLa-> i$ about formmg in Haekeiwaek. j ■ o.',wīhi<: through a key-hoie i» tbe 6rst step| H in ihe iniiiaiion ceremomcs. H The ioilowing question beiongs to the H nviv ' mithematics. and a gTeat many peom p'r- hare ?ot mixed up in trying to soire it: ■ •• ff thrt?e cats kiii three rats in three min- ■ u:«.v. how many cats vriii it take to kill one ■ hun ired rats in fifiv rainutes?" The amwer B si\ caf«.. K An ir.formal meetingof the San Fran<:isco h (*himber of Commeree was heid on Tue«iay ] 8 to hr-ar »he statement of Gf»orge Winterjj k witr. r»£rard to the Fijī Winters isj P • n roate tn as representatite of f K thf Po':ynesian Societv, to soiicit the protec-} 11 tv»rnte of the United State?. S Ther<? i« a Co'orado romance that »even K m.nen. cxp'onng the mountains, found an K eriormous ehunk of gofd. Tbev fought for K. A* pOf-W-J-«!On tiii ail were kiiied t>ut one. It | II \r«, henvy for him to carry ofl*, «o he satl H| b r side :t and starved to deatb. | B W i*sco"jsin wili take the lcad io the manu-j P ;."i "'ure of beet *ugnr, severai factories being } k iiow i!) proc<".s of ereciion. They sa? they | w ran make surrar from beets that can't be told ' frorn eane !*u*jar. 1; is a curious fact that orauges, brought hu!i(ireds of miies irom beyond sea, ?eii in [ New York at iess than haif the price of ap--1 p'fof the sime size, whieh grow almost at \ our very doors. I Glvceki.n£ von Giycerine, as j| applieaiion to bums. is recommended. '1'• ro>ich the oxplosion of a spirit lamp the % -r.-nf*r portion of a (aee had i>een covered īv. :th n:her deep burns, whieh hea!ed in a !v i>v the iffsrnediaie ami olten-repeated 1® .nJic;Hjnn of cfvcerinp, wj*thout proaucing p i',;or festerinfi:, or icaving anv scar. b Tjrr. Ghi:atkpt of Bores.—The Mont I lunnei will l*» finishc«i this year. I 10.09S m<- , tre«s hav<* heen excavated, ieaving f nnlv 1,021 metres (ie>s than one miie) to i»e «lone. .Meanwhiie, such improvernents have i>ecn tnr»«if iu *Migines and cars for verv steep that tho raiiway o>'»■»' the mountain mav prr»ve to iie quite ns eeonoinieal, and <]ti itc ns safe and comfortabie, as the raiiway /Zi/ 'j/yA it. Novel Bcs!nkss.—The Governinent o( l l ii<iia hns U«ucitt 2,000 copies of a novei, and I uiven .ClOO to its author, a Government of- | ticr r; but tliis novei in a vernacuiar ianguage [ a imvel for native iadie.«, written for the I purpi>scnf promotin£ thecau«eof femaieeduf eaiion, nnd .«o the (»overnmont thinks it dis- | charifps a duty ijj encouraging "The Bride's | Mirror." \Vc elip this irotn the Wasliington ('hmn/W-- ; " Tiie typo who was dismissed from the New York llnuihl oHiee for too truthtuiiv making the editor eaii thnt city New Corl», has, it seeins, fotind a piaee on the ii"r>/•/'/. His last exploit was to make a (iemocmtic ieader, in a legislative speech reported in that paper, ?peak of tiie iuasses of his p;irty as ' them nsses,' showing him a tnie rcpresentntive ( evcn in grammar. That compositor plainly know? tiie pnrty." The £ngiisb Royal Humnne Society has given its silver medal this year toLord Waiter Kerr. communder of the Ihn'uī» ,<?, iron«hd. One of his men fell overboard in tl\e Tnt;us t and, striking his head into tho chains, \va? stuuued. Lord Kerr, seeing that iie eouid not i»e saved if he wiiitcd for a bont to i>e lowered, sprnng from the bulwnrk of the ship—a height of thirty feet—into the stream, and swam to the senman, whom he succeeded 2ti holding above water for ten minutes of terribie endurance untii the ship's boat reached them and took up the commander and his man nearly dead. A Joliet, 111., clergyman, Mr. Jenkins,has isstied a circular announcing that arrnngements hnve been completed whereby, during the coming summer, ciergymen of all denominations ean procure for themselves, and members of their families, excursion tickets from Chicngo to Sau Francisco und return. These tickets will be sold at $118forthe round trip. They will be sold only at the Chi?ngo otfice of the Ciiicago, Rock Islnnd ;\nd Paeiliie Kailroad. They will be issued, to persons properly accred\ted, from June 15 to Julv 15. Kaeh ticket will be good for MKty days from the dnte of itsissue,and permis?iAi wili be given to break the journev on tho returu, to visit Salt Lake City or other pīaces. SrRKET Son«s Pahis.—An English p«tjKT says: Not iess than twenty-seven thousand penny song books are being sold overy day throughout France. What is stiii more surprising, is the tmmense number of persons engaged in the trade. It is the custom for a man or a family ot bcggars to procure the song books and tramp the xvhole v ountry round, singing the songs in them. This nttMets a good deai of nttention, and thon they seii the iiuie books. The singers| m l*'rance number as high as eight iiundred j tiuuisnnd. They may be divided into three i gf\*at orders: tho«» at fixed posts, trntnps| who v\7tndcr about and sing in the street* f and those who fn?quent the ioweating houses. Tho song book whieh has been sold the most is the one containing the a l>arl* whieh Theresa made notorious. This song, however, is of Gertnan origin. Lakk Tunm:ls.—A decided itnpetus has lattt*riy l>ecu given to the tunneling business, and no less than a dozen or more bores are under \vay or being proiected. The success of the Chicago Lake Tunnel, in supp!yingj the city with fresh water, causes the people i oi Cie\*viand to be vcry sangtiine as to the; reMilts of a similar work now being carricd | torwanl for furnishing them \rith Lake Erie wnter. The Cieveiand Tunnel, now eommeneeil and to be compieted in 1872, is to oitend the bed of the lake (or the dis« tanoe of a miie and a quarter in a straight ime at right angles from the shore. It is to eilipti<*al, w«h a homonai dtameter of four feet. ami a vertical di&meterof five ieet two inelie?. During the past year the pJans of tho work have been completed, the soundmgs made, the shore shaft tinished, and the tuunei excavated for a distnnce of 140 feet. in the coming thc crib is to be piaced at ihe lake eud of the tunnel, and the shaft sunk, so that the ean advance frt»m both extremities and meet in the middle. It is estimated that th<* tunnel wiii cost S3OO,tKK), nccessitate the remond of 220,000 cubic feet of ch»y,and etnploy in il? constrtiction »ht i?,(H)0.000 of i»ricirs.