Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 24, 11 June 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

English Column.

Fortign Mīsceliany.

]\o-ne hv a new cen?us. has 220.532 in,- : *i.4SO of them nre priests, roonks .* :-i;or frr.m TripoU reports the fail ol a • r ac-rn*iite in vhe neightx»rbr«od of M -uk. it .va<d. 5.000ib&. T- < N' H Engla!»d FerrtaW Meiiieal Col- ;•< ' f was opc-ned in IS4S. and • r. ;:i:>craduated women. \ «-li V- «*jr fc<*t thick h.3?e beeri f«pcn f '<l of Knob V«cw. on ihe Soafh : r.i;>road. mīle» M«iin\re4t l'roio Sl < *. .e 11*0 ladi<n who r«avo £n*duat«rd at t( : i O-fp?. 272 hr t vc marricd gent!e- -: . •••■ :.•» werv graduat< fof the Kime ineiunnon of a tta*h ot uchtnini: ean : •:.. , -i nrid }es% than thc »«iīl»onth •: • n vTor}<J," ac«rording to thc New' : V..-, a. j ■ \V \ 'io \nu raii tne hirdie, my denr ?"i , , :.i tvj;«« of h'*r hfjsbaevi. " B«caUs« , . M I : •a- ;vpr. " v*'J are ajwnys associated . c.i'ir| vvith a h:li." ; "• :» ri»inoniired ibnt the Sublime Porte j :rnuiicd to adopt the rench mctric • • n of weignts and measures as ihe ouiy | *•' 1 >:;iJ-;dards ?n Turkey. ? D'. K!;z.ibcth B!«ckwell haa commenced : [;n :\c r : oi in London. She is | •!.-!Th!i t of a Bri k toi j.uirar r«.'6ner. whoi » :o īhe Uniicd S?nto* in | T: • r i.' «»wi».'j ir,-f-ription nctually to be j •. •) :n nnnem c*-inctary in KockviiJe, | ■•:• :■ • M >>'■;>,chuv".t*:—" i» memory of !1 ktckcd un hcr heeU and , ; ' , '• \\ -nr." ■ v•. : (.•-.•« r «»nv nof honor to anothcr,; ■ ■ /• ■.'»:! n.*c« pt njy chn!leng'* f l &hnll ; : V j :'i the pi|H'rs." *• Go ahcad/' said | : . r. I h.'i.i rithcr lill a dozcn papers; : . "•.•«'« (i'ii/i." \ A :■ ;•>'! f l!ow advibed n fricnd notto' . a|» .r :is hi' wi»ufd tind rnatri-; ; . v " .:ii p n vrty •• up hill wnrk." 44 Good, M i ( iH' ud. "I would rather go up lnll j : • .;-i.v;i .iny lime." ; •':!! \V.\ti;r-<:::rk.—The followine hit nt' i : ■ *v «'•T*-*ur«* was> mide l>y Charles Lamb, ; . n"n«' hu f , liiin«flf co\»!d havc tnado j:o , . r.; * ri>nccit. " It is," snid he, '• neither; v i: .r vvnndcrful. for it is as old as iho^el- 1 ~ *»;: , alikU in my opinion, killed more ihau Hkeu-.—The i:tdic? of C ilifornia, as j « • !7i :h * t ? n:fed Srafcs, adopt thc : :} . i of wcaring hihh hcehs. Thev I ; I iV ' ;t W.' MJpp<»>C. lo do so, but U'C ; <:« [.• 'n i/inind tl)t*m ol a fact whieh is i r ii iii :i e'uiiiiioiieul p;i|H?r. Itisstated: t:ī'.t twfi yonnz iadics, bcion£ring to in(luen* ' Im lamiii' S in H:trtford ot tiint State, nrc i.'! <'.'r trcat(ucut for cnun|X?d and (i;vo? jp<i frct, caused bv wearmg thc prevail-j »n;: stvi«> of high-hcclc(i boots. | , lt is r |»orted in P»iri» that thc Prince lin-j| { •ml oi Francc t who has l«itely .pnssed his|| ! nu'ivnth ycar, is «oon to be bctrothed lo a •• («' rm 111 Princcss of lugh lincage.'' As the £ i'!i:i jifror of Austria has otic daugh(cr, the • An-hduchcss Gisele-Louis-Marie, who is now I« m i;« r fourtccnth ye.ir, it is supposcd shel( i-r,iv ilio " party of thc sc<*ond part," She i | v. .i- honi on the 12th of July ISS(J. while! ta>. l'rm.*c lmpcrial was born on thc 16th of > In:>(\ sothat the Au«trian Princcss is |' i l! !"tir monlh yuouger than thc Frencii' I t !'i ! of Thiktkk.n Ykars* Wars.—Mr. | L"r.iv-l>cannenti, a discipie of th«? pcace-at- , :»ny*|iriv*c partv. w!jo nrgues that all the w ir- heiwi-en 1553 and 1566, tnight have \ # hvn :\votd*'d if thosc cngagcd in thein hnd l 1 v> chosen, thus sumnmrizes the expenditurc ] t »n uhmi and tnoney during tho period of i ••■' thu:<'vn years: At ii! iont /ranct "" kitled. | « ■» «M»t 8,500 , ■l; 4&,\)oo i,.v»o I ' 3.500 iso; '• A ' »'•• > 'M5O 2$ 1,000 Sttoo i ••.'. S, !ih> il'.i.OnO 11.500 ' A.. l 46.000 »,«»{ I > ' - 66,000 1.000 r ; 47,«» j \; tl-.c Paris opcra thc otber niqht, the i •ii!'.i !!imi il jc socncry took tirc. The manoger I *l ir icd thc t»rcnicn. who promptiv turued • • r ho*c »n thc iirc. At the same titno| said: u A hne for the fin>tj n \viu> stirs from his post. Fivc francs| $or . » {\ por<oi\ who reuv\ins stiU." Nobody j tt r - !. The ballct danccrs stoicnlly nllowcd 1 lht':::svlvcs to be tlcluged by thc \vater whieh potircd !rom the scenery. lf one of theso Piv.r orcaturcs had taken tlight, or a sinclc #P'.:a:orm thc housc hnd gucssed what *vns gu <>n Khuul thc sccnes, the rcsults would fcnv. tx'. n most di«istrous and the victims - »u - t -rv»us. The coolness and presence of mi,-..i »»f thc mnnsger prevented a terriblej v r,»phc. The bal!et danccnsou their part j d- - rvt d thc gratefu! thank? of their country ? lui earn< d thcir five francs bmvely. It wasj iv:. irk *d m the housc wilh some surprisej ti:m i r»mcd heavily on thc stagc; but who <v i for a moineni havc suspccted that af ■|irc u,is riguig, whiie the chorus and supcr-j Wi;::.. ;::r;cs wcns so eilin and immovable?! T- :i-t \vns almost finishcd, nnd by ihe! Ui:»e \t c.\mc to a conc\usion the fire was: 4U' ' — l\iris 1 l kk Lovr. of thk Hkautikcl.—Plaee aj f udy undcr thecareofn kiud-heaned, i » ■•« ui vvoman, and she, unconsciously to! h! '* to a gmceful lady. Plaee » l^. v ,!l ° cstnblishment of a thoruugh-going, - Ipn ! :;h!.!orwanl businrss inan, tnd the boy illcon\cs a *cif-rciiant, pmctical business - (.'p.ldren arc susceptih)e creutures, -*pd -rcuu\»t a action,always »prc«! the»n. As you inōuenee thera, not % ?.rhitn»ry rulcs, not by stcrn exatnple but in the thousand other wnys that IK-uk through bright scenes, «oft uUennee! id prctty pictures, so wiil they giow. eu*h vour children (t> lore the beaut\ful. jvc them a eomer io tlie gtirdcn for dowers, K ouragc liiem to put in shape thc hangiug i«.kcts, allow fhet» to bare their &rorite iead thern u» wandcr in the prcttiest ©<>d lot?, show them when? ther ean bes« i* w thc su»u>ct. rouse theia in thc moming, pt with the stem 4 * tirae to woik," but with \ # enthusiastic 44 see the beautiful sun rbe;" iy for ihem pretty pictures and eneourtge r»n to dt»con«e their rooms, eoeh in his or pr childish way. The tostinct is ia thetn. |vc thc»n au ineh and ihey will gp & mile. liow ihem the pnrilege and fhey will pike your honies hc»uūfu|, - i