Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 5, 4 February 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]

Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.

English Column.

The popiiiation of V»ctori«, Australia, tiu«tbers 7:23,353. A new »wo penny ed<tio<i for chi!dren has l>een br.»ugl»t out in Holland of the neverli'Jtmson Crusoe. Kmg Vic(or Emanuei faas entered the city ot His recef)tion waa »nost enthusi>, nstir. The Kwg «ppeared on the balcony of ihu Quirinal Pa|-«ce, and was cheered by ! ttie iunnrnse nsgenib.;»L'?. ! Kt*cent advices from Kio J.meiro represent the rebe!!ion in the Argentine Kepuhlie as j gjirnngground. Montevideo was threatened ; ivith si**ge by the revo!utioiust!) I Thk Vec«nont LegislKtore h»s pnssed » ! l'iil hotding |i<juor de;»leurs responsibie for! :l»e d :u»»ge to perstm or property done by | ti»use übiaii»iiig !ii]uorsof theoi. | Ihe latest f »shioi»nbie color in Paris is i enlleil Eau de Ntl (water of the Nile.) (t! a n>iXture uf grey nnd green, whieh givesj satin the appeannee of flowing water. I The l»test device tor picUing up «crip »s ! from Hitrrison, N. H. f w T bere the | t.\dn s o( one o( the church circles will hold ! n 4k N»cklie Festival." E »ch )ady is request-' »d to bring in n sealed enve!ope u rieckxie <u »de «(* the same m«terial as tbe dress she \vi!l we«r on that occ<ision. | >_; . — i Tho iSi..iT»try of the Grand Duchv of' U.ulen h;»vc suhmitteci t»> the Chan»bers n for the virtU'»l Rep;»ration t»f Church ; niiil St.»te. Hithert«» mueh inoney f<»r the ! maintemince nml r*iiet ol'the Kieii »nd fur i the C(iuo.vllon td y»»t)th !»;»s been »t ihe dis- ] p»>s-»l ».f the clergy. The Governn»ent »»re i r« solv< d ihiit this s!i;»!l 110 longerbethe cns»e. i Ttn» B -ston &iturduy Evcniīig Gnzette s;»ys. t'»,.t Ui>v. L)r. Alkxandkk H. Vinton w. s in>t<iiitly cur»'d «*f chewing lohaeeo by a vouj!u in»ss».f twelvw. to whoin he was givu»? ;»dv»re nbi»ut Lent. She Sitid: ••Psh.nvl! doo't preach self-denial to n»e wh»-n you h.-ive yo»ir moulh fu!l of nasty t "Sr»coo!" The rev»'rend gent!eman turned ns:de his !»e.id, reinoved the odious weed 1 Ipuu his mouth, and h«s never since tnsted it. j Tl»c oews of the electmn of the Duke of j Ai««j\\ to the thri»ne of Sp«in was quietly i' »t (ivotab!y received tn lliwan». The Cnp-t.ni)-G.neril, nt ihe levee on the occas»ou, j f\j»r«ssed s»tisrictiou with the teroiinntion ! » t the teiop»»r irv role, nnd hoped the ehoiee : ol' t!»e Cories h»d i illen on a good King.; w!»o would introduce prcsperity »nd |H?«ce \ l«r Spnin. The Custoius receipts at HavHna j t- r the p;ist yearexceed those of the previous ' ye«tr six tui!iioos of doilnrs. | Ttie sireets of New-Vork «re by! 1>.017 gns burners. Eaeh burner consumes ; tt»ree feet ol g«* per hour, nod burns 3,531i! hours and 50 minutes per year. The pnee j p'iid the Conipanies is $53 per annum fui j eieh lainp. Eaeh bimp past costs the C»tyS*JO, nud eaeh lamp 84 50 to construct. Tt»e i t»umher «»f feet of g«»s-burned per «nnum by i the C»ty n» !»ghting the streets »s 134 360,-j 4S'l; the c<»st of u»eterial is $441416 50;' the annual cost of gas is $954.!H)1. The ! M*nhattan Comp?»ny h«s t*vo hundred m»les | of ti»nin pipe ; the New-YorW, one hundred: the Me:mpolit»n, nmety tive, aml the Harlem. nioety«e»ght. Tiib Grkat Lakks—An exchaoge papi»r £iv«>s the f»>Howing as the latest ine»s«»rement t f the North Ameneun lakes: The greatest let»gth of Lake Superior is 335 inile*; »ts st bteadth is 160 miles; mean depth, t>SSfert; elevdtūm, feet; are«, 82,000 >qi».»re miies. The greatest leugth of L*ke .M»cbig.»n is 390 miles; its grrmest breadth, 10S miles; mean depth. 900 feet; elevation, 506 feet; area. 23.000 &quare nnles. The gre»test length of Lake Huron is 200 miles: its greutest breadth, 160 miles; inean depth, 600 feet; elerrttion, 270 feet; trea, 20,000 squ*MMirles. The greatest length of Lake Ene is 250 miUs; its gre»test breadth. 8 m»!es; ine»n depth. S4 feet; elev*tion, 555 feet; »rea, 6.000 square mi!e?. The gre»t« est iength of Lake Ontar»o is 180 uiiles; grent«st breadth. 65 miles; mean depth, 500 feet; elevati«n, 260 feet; area, 600 *qu«re miles. The length of all five is L» 584 mile», and they cover an are® of upwanl of 130.000 square m»les.