Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 13, 1 April 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]

Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.

English Column.

•M.u:u MīTC!if:i.L. tlw j «stronomer, intends i"*t īnng wp.in herf»v. ; rite >tudv. • Hie latf J;irr)' , s T HnJv onee remnrkcd th it h s expfricnce rc.i-.v»nced him that a inno >• Wil'.' \vas hi 4 -' b «! hnvver. I"iii rk ar~ tw« bii!s the Hli«io s Leuibl»twre whieh i»re, to say ihe least. uni- ■ ()•!". Thev pr«pos? to ofi"er bouoties to en-n-urafff ehe piuniin# of trees. One of thetn , ( ts tr»>ui t.txition l<»nd set apart for fr»-ps, and the other gives h-»lfu : o»'ui n»r ev.rv ii>e ?ix fo»[ high, excep(ing i!i t'«e o.e-e o! nurst*rymeu. A.n Inihanmn threfttened suirid-e nnd went do«fi r:A \«r fur tne purpofe. ns he infornied his wifo. Soofi the report of u pistol wi»s he«rd. His wile kfpt right on knitting, «nd ;ilr« j r a while the «i'in eaine up st«iirs grumbill> ;_* t'»;»t iho womao h«dn't got ony fcelu.g. Thk sivty minuus f>et\veen 11 nnd 12 o'. ioek on rhe night of $1. were menior.'»b;«* ;is the hst hour of the I isf di»s* of tiie i-« v e w»ek of rhe last n»onth of the i»st yenr <*t iasi d?e»ide. Such u cuiocidence wiil iift o»;cur«igain iu overe'gbty years?. ir a £-nod jol<c thJt jt».sf befi»re the honi- ' fi.ird:iieitt of PiiriH the ne\vspapers !i.uj Mioivf(lcii m deu)onstnling th;it it wa? i jnpo->-ihie to bombird the city. 1 ii;: fJritish M»seuni i» to hnve a btiilding' »n wh rh ifs sr"h'ntifi-' c ibiners ean be disA plot ol ground. sixieeu and a !i;»1 ī :n*re< m t\teot fnus S:«'en selected, and tiie ! "uknno' to bo (u<-t ercot-/d \vtff oost Sl,W iī11.!: tmi: King of Pnjfsia !ifsumcs the , I-ip«-nal tit't?. hts sou i\ud the other Prinees t: tii • Prussi,tn t'louse wiil nut chang:e their tifi«'s. will b\» calied Koyal Highness. as ; , »ml not impenal Highnessn» the Pnn-vs of ot!u-r liUpenal Only the wi}V i>! Kn e Wiliiam 'wiil also change her lilie 111 11• Haipross. | Or rfu: seventy-iune French genemfs who \v« re īn ;n*t\vp service »t the beginnins? of th«'Wir to the P»ns Moniteur) tii«-r-- .»re n«.w ltrft onfy thirteen, the rtst beiu<: prisoner.« or amorg the kiiled and \voundia. Thj: new Momitig Star \v»s lnunched nt !£»<t H<"f{on, ori Tiir:isday i». m , Jan. T; s v« ys. i is about the size of the formet on»\ Wiieii re»«dy for spa she \viff cost »bout >*J7 000. aod be as perf*ct a vessef of her v ..s<> ;ts saiis uuder the Americau flug. Sh'e ; w.,j b» co.'Oiuauded by Capt. N;»thanief Ma?fi«'ivs. |nf«» <*oaimander ot (he schooi-ship in Hj:» u habor.ar.vi a inember of the Prospect Stnet Church, Cau»bridgeport. W r hen the Mcrt>f>£ Sfur rv;u*fies Honoiulu sh« \viff uo.u'r the coutrof of ehe Hawanan of .Missioos who will bear the expense ( i lu r craimu<j, but wiil continue under the Arn*»rc:i?i fl >i;

Thk ha;uoads ot" iho Uniied Sutes havo ; :n,-r< m IS7O fn»m 45 43"» milcs to 60,t ; r9 ; ai»vi »n ooM lr«m 51.573,5*26,109 to v*5.442. 409. This is «■ growth of 11.41 • u i»iWN»ge nmi 95S in c«st. nnd the zrv «tf?t !ncre:ise h«i> been in the Statf? of iow:\. lihno»s. Mi?soun nnd Kar>sas. At the ; rrs>=ut uio«nent s?x «n!lions of bonds if«ued l-y un» St»tes of Al«bama in aid of the rail« «r • in arrr«»rs on January lst ioterest. A new Americnn eeennie enhle is to be . \■ d m t onee frotn New York city to HolUod.; nn i ihenee to Ku»iti« and oter the Pac»fic \ Oeeni l>rtween Ch»na and C«l>foroia. At | it« Russi:in l#®dmg the c*b!? of the conipatiy w»li connect with overUnd wires through ihe Kussisn terrttorv and Ohin*. Upoo the eompleiion of the ltoes to HolUod. Rassta, 5 aud acro«s the P«citic, »t ts cooteropl*tfd to Iconstruct a line rw thc Burmod#s«od A*ores Ul«ods and the >lediterr«oeeo to the BUck Loodoo stipports oo less than th»rty*eight theatres #nd twreoty'Six mosic halU. in «11. sixty-!our plsces of pōpul®r resort, beside the Opera, tbe Cryst»l P«l»ce. ®od Creu»oroe Gardens. Tweoty-thtee circuses dt*ide iheir time betweeo the city and the prov«oces.