Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 15, 15 April 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]

Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.

English Column.

\ Nkw Bkdf rd wh^u-« v )ip owjj€»rs ho ! d | :.ic f-< ir ffiiilio.j dn]irs ui the AKii^ma .l'-! rHK C-:nton cr pe s*;avv s of our grandt:>ct;u r» ar - co:tiiop īnto fjshion. Sn{i\ \vater --«p;>c:»red nmong t'ne rrfrpsh- ! r ;st ar> rftit New \ ork \vedding rccep(r.'K I> \\vi h.iw t-i!»'r»fs. indnstry will irnprovc : ."«ii. :f mo !»*r<ie ><biliti<'s. inducfry wiil •• ;[»p y f )r:r d» fi<?!eoci".s. \othing is denied' ;) iv*-• i i.!;r<ct '(l i>h(ir; is ever to b?! !,»m| \vnn<nit it. Ci r Nj-R«/, Snihr«CK. ;tpi>o:nt'd to as .Min:st<r to E<i<rhrid. is.Gl: . • ;?> t»id. w/id is » n>. tiv? of Ohio. /iis ex-: -n'-nee hiis In en wid? and VHried. He hns' L -en a tf ai'h»>r, a la\vytr a rajlrord HGrent, ;'i>d |].»s served the tjoveri»rnent for nmnv: ye>r-* as mitaster to Ur>z l. rn?niber of Coo- ! ; r rtand <;eoeral in the nr«i»V. : Tii"RE who usc the Hair Rpnewrrs whieh, : nr.d'-r varions nnrnes, »re su freply odvertised.; 'I '!f I\t £rrrat peril of their henlth. The «e-

f ve of nll—pr«>bnb?y witho«it ex0' pīioī* —13 some poisonous f.»rm of lead. 1 The H;iirdressprs' Ass.>ciation, of Bolton, l;nc.. having d*termin»>d to eloae their shops: '>:» Sund >y. and to hove a d»iv of rest. prose-i c-ited ooe of their numb»r who opened his| ahnp, nnJ he waa cooipelled to pny a fine i :i nd the costs. j Thk o!d en»bal/ners of Ēgypt hnd little! m'ion of what their \vork wonld eoine to.j <">ne of (he itetns of tn»de between Alexan-; dna and Engl«nd is th#> shipment of mummvi 'i*.es \vhtch nre eround up f ( >r f»Ttilizers. j Thr procc?s of tmnsfnrmmg a dr»cd up! Kiry.iti.-in into a full-fed sulject of Queen | V '•lom is sin»pie : First b«»ne dust, then !• tnen mutton. then £nglishmen. • — I The .Miner's Journai of Pottsville, Pn.,i h:ivm«' st ited that there \vus a man in that| p!ice who had been drunk for thirty.fivej its editor has been c»Ued to accounti by :»t le»st twenty d:ffereiit persons who in-j s»st ih »t the item W(is a personal att'ick upon| thmi. Thc man he r*ierred to, the editor| •= y.s, "is sharp enough to keep his mn»thi shut nbout >t. but Weeps on drmking juBt as| >1 not a \vurd hi»d bcen said. M ! The San DominO'> Reconnoisance.—The !>trst dispatches lroin the Cominission intin»ate that they have made a very thorough »::ve«t'tr»tion and accomuiated a inass ofj nv({Hri.,is that wiil make a voiume such as| o;>t « not lall into the hands of the w»ste pa-i p"r de.>!fr in •' puhlie documents'' every day. j T:>e Conitmssion fmd rhat the peopie, so far j r-8 thoy h-»ve yet eome in coimnumcatio«»; w:;h are ger»eraiiy favornbie to nunex «-j tim. but th«t the sister republic of Hayti is| wry dec<dedly opposed to it. The »gricul-j t ir* I r#=sources of the isl»od ean hordly b»*! ovcrr »ted, but the impression is that its mine ' rai rv*sources hnve been good deal overrated.! Not so very f«r «ut of the w»«y was an| E?>gi'sh sailorat Brossels, who en»ptied bis| pockets. containing 250 francs, into the| apron of a womnn wtth halfa dozen sUrving! chi]dreti. The sailor remarked to the ns-i t »unded nitives who witnessed the act: *• I j ani a good fellow. and never drink when lj hnve nothing to drink with." A good m«nyj youog men »n»ght be s.-\fer to "go and doi iikewise." ! A deputy of the Bengal Gorernment, on' I * tour of archeologic>il research. h«s dis-| covered that the chigoon is a very old orna- i ment for the he«d. Among the ancient Unahs. the style cf hair-dressing wras rery stnkmg. '• The chignon," we read, u was ; eommoo, aud some specimens bore the ciosest ; resembiance tt» the Paristan coiffure of the : present day, and were m some in#tances one-th»rd iarger th»n the head." it i» thu® j est»biished that the ch>gnon is the or»ginal i Uriah heap.

ij. 3 Ka » Eiakk."— E haalelean* keia moka»hi )a K«p»lakiko uia k» U 16 o keia !»«{«• roa. a e holo ra»i ana i Honolulu liei, a malia pMha o kana huakai hope ia. iJ