Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 33, 19 August 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]

Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.

English Column.

A German shoernaker in Milwaukie has made an etegant pair of wooden shoēs. whieh he intends sending to P*rince Bismnrck. St. Louis has recently o|>enēd a boulevard' eight miles long nnd one hurtdred feet wide, whieh is now the fashionable drive. An Eng!ish paper Borrowfully a«yB?*lsng. j land is hastenirig with a aelf-aecelerated mo- | me.iturn to the dreary abyss of democracy.'' 1f you wi»h to know how many friends , you have, get into office; if you wish to know how niany friends you haven't, get into trouble. The PreBbyterian Church of the CJnited States number nearly 450,000 coimnunicants. ; AJore than 50,000 communicants were added ; last year. Von Moltkk has been engaged in reorgaaizing tbe German army on the regular peaee footing of 700,000 men. This ia nearly twice its former strength. Cabdinal Antonelli has asked leave od ihe French Goyerntnent to have the tri-colorj hoisted over the Vatican. This would plaee i ihe Apostolic Palaee under " the protection ''I of Frauce. One would think this to be.i just now, a rather doubtful advantage. Tue fnnme in some paTts of Persia is stated to be fearful to the last degree. Thousands have died of absolute starvatioii, and fathers »rid mothers, it is said, have eaten their own children. Between Shiraz and Bosh're, thousands of dead bodies lie un- | buried. 1 | Advocates for a liberal education for women will.be gl»d to leum that a young l»dy in the State University of fVlissouri lias gain«d the first prize for Greek Fcholarship. Mis* J. N. Ripley has the honor of b<»ing the first wonian who has ever surpassed the young men in such a contest. A few benevolent ladies in New Haven have purchased and forwarded to the wife of a missienary in flie Sandwich Islands t a silver tea-set f . because, as the Palladium es- - the frequent earthquakes in that de-l iectable region make the use of any material but nietalfur this purpose very expensive.. A woman of £quador had a busband ag- ! or)ized and dying with cancer. Sde thought Jt ;vould be a mercy to put him out of exisienee, s»flected a piant from the woods supp«sed to be poisono a )s, the conduranga, and administered a decoction of it to her spoUEt- | lnstead of dying he began to amend and j under the contmued admini3tratiens recover- ! ed. i A gentleman esked a lady known tobe utterly ig»orant of languages, " How did you get along when abroad to naake yourself un-j derstood ? u Oh, my dear sir," replied she, I withquite a French air!" we had an interrupter with us!" The same lady, hav-j ing arranged some statues in the adjoining room, requested the same gentleman, toj .step into the next 4, impartment and see her antics. M The London Times takes the Amenean view, and the sensible one, of the Treaty of Washington. It considers it unprecedented that so grave difficulties as existed betweeti America and Great Britain under the name of the Alabama elaima, shou!d have been settied withont an appeal to arms, and expresses the hope that the European nations generally will follow the peaceable example whieh has thus been set them. C7* The Christian population of M»dagascar tast year supported more than a hundTedevangelists in different parts of the island. Nearly fifty native young men were onder trainiiig for the ministry. Five printing ; presses Constantly employed, and unj ®ble to supply the demand lor reading matter. ! ldols have ceased to exist. lntoxicating ! drinks are forbidden by law throughout the district of Imerina, and, though übliged by i the treaty with £ngland io allow their im- ; portation. the ram falling to the Queeo as ! castom dues, is ordered by her to be poured >nto the sea. Sunday tn the Capital ia a day of quiet aod reBt, such as ia *vitnewed 3 in no other capital city of its dize in th6 world«