Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XII, Number 10, 8 March 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

| "KA NUPEPA KUOKOii." 1« |>ablUhed In Hnalala EV KH Y SATU HDAY. & 00 per annnm, or $1.00 pcr mi mon(tis, in advancc. IDY»RTiBMiraTB uot ex«fdlng 10 Unei,ine«rt«!oDee fc>r II 0 twie* for $1.60 | itd )1H for oo« mooih i >11 ment» mait be paid U r «n o4vance. KiKiKAua wlll be charged 1. 00 j>er page, or « et«. a lln. PATMEXTS rOft APTBHTIEKItBBT«.- butMcriptioßa cr. may be ps!d to *ny of the ĀgtvU of th« or c»; •» enclosed In * letter to the Put>ll»her. 41l >DBBCRirrioiiB mnst be r*irni>. No omn. rltf.rr tf foreignen omUui, willbei&M(ted on tke »ok,eT> t ÜBt. unUi-paW foi, Tbii nilemun beaulctl7 adhrrrd u on aoooani of the low •obgcription price Thb OrriOß or thb Kcokoa ov*r the Po«t Offlce. o«ee bctn fron 9 A. M. to 4 P U. H. M. \VITITNCT. Pnb)Uhrr rr Bound Volun>tt ofthe A VOMOJ, for »ale d thr <ifer orer the Book«tore— $5.60 t«ch. CT P«raona haring complete «eta of the ab«Te, eaa k»" em boand bjr p»ying (2.00 eaeh.