Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 37, 13 September 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]

Our English Column.

i4 /x V / r \f>2nhiX& t"N( I.K IHIL> I»KSK The s\or\ to day > about a sn>''i lxiy *ho got the nan r ni' f< r,itnin l*ry, bcrausc be «a> -o < -ri;>'wv t > kr«6» ii»ut thjn«:% he had n<i trjsinc'> to knrw. !o p-y ir,t■» ihir.£s to ;o at>out, in a *■,} »a> aod in*.o :hjs, thtt, and thc ethcr :hjn- ?hat ha\r becn put away * »rc!u'.'.y. s » tha! Ktn<J £>rls le! tbctu a'< ne. S ■*■><<.. tirr<cs a U>> wiīi uj. s ..n > {>chind me *»h ; are ta.k:r t tc tn hc>r wha! tht\ irc v<>i or t<CP *hro? > '. I '. thc wir«iow, <.r kc> hole to ?m<l oat wha! <.thcr» arc Now this j> vi?y n.car.. ar,d a Iwa. or g;rl. is r.tvcr :iked ary <nc. Sornt*tiniCN ** < h t» ys arc < tlle<! sj.iev I he \tory is H-,* PKV lU.uwk:» \ T i H K .Sf\»l.No SCM iK I ». Paj»a and Mamma (ira\ wcre to Mfv Tornj km > to the se«inj v>e h'ty. and Matilda ar.d fon*than J.»mc« wert: !oc». "No*. f-.-nath.in," said Mrs. whiie his <.oriy hair, '>uti rni;->t be a uo(>d !>*,>', and remtml'>cr M.imma has to\d v<>u abot;t pryin»; into yoti havc no to !ou< h. It vo'.j don { f>ehave bcttcr, we shail a!l have t<»< aii jfou, a> Aun! lu<ly d</cs. 'J<inathan I'ry ' ".\nd y. u oi;j;ht to thirk yow'rc a rumister's b<.y," said Mati!dj, in a tt»no <f v<t*<e, "ai\<l t<> >e: a '/amj>le; so vi>u had."

"1 (lon't 1 are if I !>*\" <aul J«>na!han. "I (i<m ! h nurfjn n»> <-wu ehilihen," s. i<l M.iimn.i "Htrc is i'apa wilh I < \y. kememl er, Ic > pt:< t vou to l»e i;<')( <1 " lo\y wa> the name uf the < arruige hur>e Wlien thcy t> Miv I ompkin-n tarm hou.M, lht\ w» ie it.il mio the parl<>T, tor, }unat)).in sai(l, the <iety ha<! nn»l lor a loni; and we.iry haU hour he an i .Maiihla had (o sii on < hairs |onathan omiUl not sit still any longer. and said t<> his ūther in a loml whi>» per: "l'ap.i, it we'il he e.in "l'ihla aiul I out in ihe yartl, jiM a lett!e spe» k i f a while ?" "Ves, | >nath;vn, !>ut remember your tault, aml ili>n't pry," s.i»l ))is tather. l'wo Uttie cirls, who, ti!l then hatl s«t verv still on the horse hair sot*a, were told !>y their manni.a they m»ght with the mi:)ister's t hi!dren. and when the d <»r opeiu-d, and thc tour ran out. Jonathan at the hcad, it u'em cd to Mr (lrny they werc like t'»ur wiUl buds let out troin a eaiie. for they ran art<und t>>r tive minutes without Moppin»;. "I tlon't >ee,' s.»ul the taiie>l t;irl, whose name >v;in R( »e, "how folks ( an sit >till. wer.t (reep, t reep, t reep al» o\er me Uhiie I sat on that srta. ' I w.is t!re..d:,jl." "I know," sau! Jonathan. "I tnos' l>ust open sometm\es. lt "twant t*< r hurtm' Ma«nma's t'eelmi;-> l\l .1 !>\J>lt d in n)evtin lots of umes. 1 hate Miil. }Ug tolks set still, 'eause thcy < an'f run. I know. 1 seed 'eni try, an' they ean't." "'Pmu is it," s3ici MatiUl 1. lookmg wise. "lKin't vou know what Mamma to!d u< ahoui t>ig folkses bone< ? I hey are h.ird as bru ks, but ours arc like the >;ristl" in meat." "'rhe>'rc nv)t so soft as that, I know," Mul Rose. "Now wc rc out let's play disrovering Amenea." ,k How do you do \\? % asked lonathan. •'Oh' thc end of the garden is Ameriea; and we go round through a!l the paths, aiul s;ct there at last, you know.

They viivtinto two parties, Rose and Jonathan went down »>ne juth, Matjlvla and Aliee went vK>wn an other. and soon they eame to a hroad j>ath that led straight to thc tall fence (be> had agrecd to eall the shore of Amerira. fust lK*fore they reach the tence, the> eame uoon an ant i nest. nc.ul\ a yard in diamcter. "Here is *Menc* 4 " cned lonathan» "an' here's thc lnjuos jx;ople." Hc kickcd hU small shoes tnto the ncr.t, and stam(>ed and laughed ihen the threc littlc gi?l> pushed :heir feet into the nest, and stamped and laughed too Jonathan was always vcry mueh aftaid ot being hurt; and when be fett somcthing give him a nip on one of hts fat lcgs, and then nips all over hini he drop|>etl flat on the grt>und and bcgan to squeal M Sufhns a bitm' roe! sutbn's a hain', a-bitin r . Take 'em c<T Ttke 'em off ' M Tbe three liule girls were frightencd too for ihe a»gry aots were running aU over thcm, and tbcjr screamed out, and in a iew moinema, the whole »ewing $ociety eame runnu,g tnto the garden*'l do belicve thty are at the beehives, - »:d Mn Tcmpkins, running down one path, and dropping pttchwork ail the w»y. u Mebbe the old gobbki'j aftcr *aid Jemima, thr giri-of ali>work, **Be quict, Junathaij," iatd hisfatbcr, picking hun up froui tbe sand with a sbake. * , Ywu'vc whai )\>u

,:';ir/v a Unn' ccc. b tir.' < 1 ,r.aihin f thc tcars r-rr,:r*; (Jo«n his • hfe<v "\Vt>e a!l e«en u;. Pa;a.~ MS«i Mahcr facc *t ry rcd, wiīh both hands %he at htr cl th.cs tcrt and thcre "Tho>c naity h-< b*tn ctten at a " "*Ar<i voj k:«kcd thcir h'>me :o pffrv." uk] M' (»ray, iak.n* hcr sn h:«> l he fV>ur f-hi,d*rn »er<? c-»rncd ir.;o thc ho<i*c. an<i ar.d a « arc ! ;> sca:rh f : aniv **l>d v i'j tvt' '-ī.o ;he ii«eva:J Mr*». 'l'onu-kin» wh.« h?d ro « h»idren. : < Mrv B»'<cr. "Hcrc i\c ;* -t vicane»J )■o:*t. no» I *hi'i ba\c cv-.r n;any h;a<k an?<. If m: *j>. havc < &!.'<ircn. thc. t !♦ bnn«: :rtro ujtn l>eh*te for.a!hjn ht-a:d ira! »hi>;cr. ir,s. «leienninei r.c%cr !o a>'< t.> >l j wi'.h hi> mc»htr a vSit»rg N.> » r.c ba«i a r »^h! ! . ». hi* kir.d Faj a. f- r hj> na> he thou^ht. .\!:cr th* y *<.r,' drcs>cd 3kJir. t thc four <hi!'iren »ere scnt ;nt > tht *i>hhoi;*e, a> Mr> T'>rn;'*ir.> s<id, thcy wo»:Ui >>c '{uitc fr ;tn rn!v. h ef, a> thcre w,»s n m f»c r om thev »'iukl h rm. or iha! wh'.j!d har u thera. f{or, ntxc week we wni see it Jonathan did nu! de>crve h;s nanie. ,:iten i.'V hi> aunt, f 4 Jonathjn I'rv : !or l'n< !c P'ii: »ii! tci» y. •.: :hc re>; r the -1> r\ :r,- n