Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XXIX, Number 43, 25 October 1890 — Our English Column. [ARTICLE]

Our English Column.

"/n Yeuth Prffare fcr Manhwi."

UNCI,K PHII/S DESK. At last Uoele Plul ha* heard from the gub. and ver>' gtad is he. too. to hear from them. I will fir»t show >oa Julu » letter, wh»<h 1» %err neatiy wnt* ten aixi hai no word» spelled wrong. KAI mha. «*9° I Uoe k Thrrr asv>, I Trx4t • r*!t wiih M*ry N. Kj>hMkbo. aad \o H* lawa. to k* MomU <allv Wc h»; • » n» tb * *•***.' thmk m«i! V KTftil (ee* The of 'bf »» rrrf •O'i the cen?er •het* ih« wi'w ih< t>Ur* %sy, if ywo ī;pr»ghT iemn. joq wiH hnd a ca*e ''rj. A «4.1 «ii <-4 i ?h*« wbo» w>T <x* ol tbe r<,j*l *rtr »V/«{ to «i»r, >» • heip *•»? »o 'h* o/ • e&n in ",hf < rnt<rr ofirfv J mtx*hct it 1» c*rnc*i 00 to she pfevent ■'.*%, I a** kno». H<*vutg ihn iota<v j I r<*m»in, youi% U»!hf»<ljr. ? s a 1U v Ves, )ulia, jrour letter in!ereM» me vcry mueh. and because I thmk it wiil »ntcrc*t a «sfeat many othen too, I put it hcrc in our "Eng{jsh Column w , hop»nj; it wiVt help other girl» to write. You p rc>}iabiy meant, ifi the Ust part of your !ctter. *and whether that legcnd is hclicvcd »t to <lay' ctc, Or, perhaf>s you mean, 'whether that sand coffin has ever apj>eard in these day*, you do not know Well, Unele Ph»l thinks it had bcttcr not appear, for we eannol affjrd to any rnorc royalty. licrc i> anothcr lcttcr from the same sthool, and I think it must be from a girl from what the letter »ays. L' s : r l im , H.'.u, |Uw»ti. hc»t Stf; I"hrrr »rr ro»ny < hil<lrcn in the Kaluaaha Knuhkh Schoul. ><>m« »((heen trc playing at )>»li rm ?hr vt.h'>ol i;r9un«). for a I*«e<tull m»?ch with ?hc llalaw» i lub. Some o 1 ihe £ul* »rc wntint' 1« ?(cr», ulhcrt j»reparing theit an<l othcf* crf.'.-hrting. 1 hoj>c thn w»II leaeh you in <.afc?v- I rcma«n, V«ui *mcfrcly. Kai.f.ik'»a Kaau ai'. And 50 the great American ( iame of Hase ball, has got to Molokai' aod the Kaluaaha boys are to try thcir skill with thc Halawa boys' That is well, boys. Just go in and do your bcst, and thcn there will be nothing to bc ashamed of, whichever club beats. And just takc a word of advtce from Umie Phil, don't fot on the game, not evcn the buttons from your coat, and don't lct your fricnds b-t eithcr Play a good rousing game for the sake of heahh and fun. And do you supposc we old boys, who wcrc boys so long ago at Kaluaaha, nevcr piayed ball there in the days gonc by? • Truly we did, and I should not he a bit sur* prised if it should prove true, that the good old New Kngiand father used to play it himself onee in a while, for base-ball is a New Kngiand game. And hcrc is the tflird letter from thc samc si hool; Kah aaha, Moiokai, Sept. asth, iB<» lMrar Unele Vhil, l'hcrc »re many tuh pon<U on the hlan<l <*f Molukai, *umc <>f th»"*r powml* prwiucc vcry fat h*h, thc one ihat lie* makai *Ulc o( thc okl n<»u*e wheie v u u*ctl to livc.

Thc houne I t*iive i* going to pieee», «n.i <k> «rc ihe moik- walli right rouiul thc loi. i hope thi* will ib for the |>f«ent. 1 frfro*in, Vt»ur young fncntl. Kkoiokwa Ki kahaoa.

l'he lcttcr u rrcpt slily into the word 'po*nd\ inel thc lcttcr t must havc fallen out of thc word 'b«li*ve\ when you wcrc not thinking, Keoioewa; for all thc othcr words have tbcir lcttcrs in their right placcs.

Vcs, Unele Phil rcmcrobers that pond with its fat fish, in front of the "01 d housc ,at Homc M . Many an hour has he spcnt, satlmg sfhooncrs from one side to thc other of it. I hcsc liule vcssels were made from the dry wood of the trec, and could sail finely in the strong Molokai wind. We used to put a long, heavy pieee of lead, upon thc keel of the vesscl, thcn u would sail like a real schooner, c!ose up to the wind \Vhy, Unele Phil would like to go back to Molokai agaio, just to eat some of those fat fish and uil « ivUMli schooncr across that pood But, Unele Phil is sony to hear that his old home 4 is going to pieeea*. Ycs, o)d homes wW go pieces if there is no one to livt in thtm ind uke carc ol them. Unele Phil has hcard, only a few i days ago, that some Haiaitans» fathers of the growing boys aod gtrls of Molokai, arc asking the owoer of the Old, Home to rcnt it to ihem, so tbat they | ean use it for a boarding school fur the Molokai girb» That is a very good use to put thc "OW Home* to; and Uoele Phil bopes the plan will soccced. It » fit aod proper, that the okl houae, whkh gave ahomeio Molokai'i first misstooary tcftcber, should give a home to a Ha-1 waiio tetcher aod her Hawaiian pupili Uoele Phtt ia gUd to sce that ooe of hli o4d lAhaioaluna boys n doiog good work at Kaiuaiha. Nov he wiou to hear from otbcrs of his o)d pupila who trt stili tetchtog at Haoa, at Kipaholo, at Hookeoa, aod other plaee». Write ieuen youncWes, my boys» foi boys you arestillto Uoek PhO, tod hevOlbt proodtokaow that you are doiog weH