Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XL, Number 48, 28 November 1902 — DALNY IS NOT POPULAR NOW [ARTICLE]


\ I ST. PETERSBL KG, Nov. 3.—l>eta:'s of Ffnanee Klat«ier Witte s Joura*?y to t!se Fiir Ea.si are t»egioning to arr J «ve here pK«t. A lei*er dalt?d Octi>?»er ; J 12th d<rscrit>es his stay a: Vlad'sv»jatj»clt.; ' The pnineipa* n*atiera laM before him; ' th<?re '&ere p<eii~A'>i*s for a fre« port for. sfcjps at Vla4tvost'K-k, for exenspt3on of • all rr. m cu*torna duties, lōt c>mmertiaī and naval sch.K4s at i V!ad;vi3fitvck. for fr**..iotn of coram«ce Un frorr. cu»turr» ln*pection at ; Vsa'iivo«ti.*ck and !-.»r varifros rolnor re- ■ ' formi» !n the ):uso'n*j? lnsv-^.:lion» in th«; 1 Ir.'.erest# of ?It ts gen- , ■ erally r*aUa<Kl hett 4 ti>at the ab;4U:on of the free pon a". Vtadivo?toek ha« |'dea!t a. mo»t sevore bu>'.v a$ tr.e cUy"s ' n«»r are voi«:e« waatlng r in ; the critictsm of thft «ch~me of th> Mini«ter '<f Ffri3nrc ;n ih*- u oiern aīi'.i c«;*st!y n*-« v-.ty of IXilny. The I>ainy VostocK of Port Arthur not on!y thr_>\vs - dvubt upon th? neo.»?siiy for f..»un:ahis ,rHifj n»»»rk< <n a cicy whieh so far has IV- :nhiHbitants. but j>ronounces the ch«.»ic»"' <»f ine sit*? for the r.e.v *..»ty i«nfc>rtunatw. I»alny ha.< no natura! har-b-.»r iyiir:ir r >n th" ofi-n sea where the ī waur ls sha!!ow. The aniHeial bar- ! b>»r h.i' l t-> be cunnected with the sea; j by a eanal two mi!es !ohg, whieh »t ' i.« (lunpei OUH 10 appr >ach in even mod- 1 »-rA:ely wirvsy vvea:h< r on aeeouiū of ru«'ks and ?«tnd «>n both sides. l'p to' F».bruaiy S' 7 .0'>.».0v0 had been spent at L>air.v v»C Avhich cniy ont j -half \vas for thv- harbur. \Vurk on the harbor had i.f b»? str.»pp*d hnif \vay because the apprupriati«>n had been exc'eeded. !arge ; su:ns having be»;*n expend>d for the ; W i tutlriratU>n of the sit«*. The splendid : k>oki;iu brivk and st»»ne hu\vever. arc? belk've»:l to >.*X' > »;-»*<!ir;gly in-c-;>nvenient und the architects havini? as i» usua! \vith ltus?hin arch!tects' sub'>rdinatrd thc in*.e:i'»r arranf.*ernenis f«>r ci>nifort and wholly to supposod exterior beauty. » Th*.* L>alny V«>st»."-k dtviares that Tnkou. on t!se rivvr Liao. shou!d have W\r\ sviK't-n\ as Un> princij>al «hipping 5> <t l « f .Mitnohuria, tho Chine-se transit, ttudc havint? taUcn this route for ages.. h«; ean easi!y kfcp this har-' !»or ioe l'ree. Dalny is no longer an iee free p«>rt sim:e the moles of the artiik'ial harbor cause an a».cunni!ation of iee floes that were fortner!y sweptj away by the wind. lt is feared that of-1 /k'ia! favor wil! never he able to make| Dalny a genu!ne conipet!tor of Inkou, i whieh is over 150 miles nearer the Man-j ehurian market. \ The report of the Minister of the In-| terior on the fatnine re!ief of 1901 is, consldered an important document. M. | Von Piehewe admits that the Centra! j Government did .not distinpuish itselfi in this work, whleh it withdrew from | the hands of the Zemstovoes in 1900,1 many loeal bff!cials taking action on!y| aftei the need was very great. The Minister recommends a partial return to the o!d system, declaring that no form of relief is comparab!e to pub!ic works and only the Zemstovoes ean take such \vork. M. Plehewe also admits "the famine of 1901 not only had extremely unfavorable results for the affllcted districts but testified to the general deterioration of the condition of the peasants."