Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume XL, Number 48, 28 November 1902 — BIG TIPS IN ST. PETERSBURG. [ARTICLE]


> ? Speaking of hlgh prices, Henry Norl man's new book on Russla throwB some l intertsting light on what it incident!ally costB to visit SL Petersburg. To | begln with, he tells us every house an«l :• hotel there contalns a swarm of seri vants, and eaeh one expects a tlp. The .man who takes your coat and hat at i a prlvate house thioks ten cents is little enough, and if you give a dollar or |two to the attendant who performs the aame modest servlce at an ofßcial resiāenee he ia only satisfied. The tips ot wealthy Russian to a waiter at a restaurant are something enorm--sus. A decent room in a flrst-class iotei *»ts about 14 a day, and a closed '-arriage to take you to dtnner. ten ntnutes drive away, costs $5. A few lheets of note paper in your hotel cost? you a 3hilling. and the cheapest kind ōf a bath |1. Mr. Norman is a great , traveler. and it is his te«timony that i- St- Petersburg is far and away the most expensive city in tbe worSd . h : *+*