Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1 January 1983 — COMMITTEES ASSIGNED [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


On Tuesda\. December 7th. 1982. C"hairman Joe Kealoha. Trustee from the island o! Maui. announced the assignments of memhei" 1 rustees to the Office's Standing Committees. fhere are si.\ Standing Committees for the Office:

Budget and Kinanee Moses Keale, Sr.. Chuirman Piilani Desha. \ iee-Chair Hayden Burgess (lard Kealoha \\ alter Ritte. ,lr ( ulture Walter Ritte. .Ir.. ("haimian I homas Kaulukukui, Sr. Gard Kealoha Keonomie I)e\elopment Rockne Freitas. Chairman Piilani Desha Moses Keale. Sr.

I.and and \atural Resourees Hayden Burgess. Chairman M oses Keale. Sr. W aller Ritte. Jr. Heallh and Human Resources I homas Kaulukukui. Si Hayden Burgess Rockne Freitas Kducation Gard Kealoha. Chairman Piilani I)esha Roekne Freitas

The Board of J rustees also has re-appointed Mr. T.C. Vim as the Administrator of the OH'iee o! Hawaiian Affairs.

The New Board of Trustees taking the Hawaiian oath of office at the Senate Chambers, State Capitol.