Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 4, 1 May 1984 — Kalapana Group, Wailea Rotarians Impressed with OHA Slide Show [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kalapana Group, Wailea Rotarians Impressed with OHA Slide Show

Thirty-eight members of the Kalapana Community Association on the Big lsland anei 70 members and guests attending the monthly luneheon meeting of the Kihei-Wailea Rotary Club on Maui watched OHA's ceded lands slide show Apr. 4 and 10, respectively. The Kalapana show was presented at the Harry K. Brown Park by Trustees Piilani Desha and Moses Keale with assistance from Community Resource Coordinator Jalna Keala. The Kalapana group fielded several interesting questions following the presentation and they also grabbed the opportunity to discuss current issues with the two trustees. lt was an evening to remember in more ways than one. For starters, it was the first time the OHA video equipment was run on generator power whieh went off smoothly following a minor false start. Then there were some of the keikis doing their honrework while listening to the adult discussions. Some of the families represented three generations. The attendance represented a comfortable mixture of Hawaiian and non-Ha-waiian community members whose eonversations were heavily-flavored with the Hawaiian language. Association President Abraham Ahia and his members expressed their appreciation for the OHA presentation and they liked what they saw. The meeting started early and ran late but everyone left with a feelingofsharing, accomplishment and understanding one another. A delicious pot-luck dinner prepared

by association members was enjoyed by a 11. CONCERNED R0TAR1ANS OHA Chairman Joseph Kealoha gave the Rotary presentation before an enthusiastic and responsive group. They rapped at length with Kealoha following the showing and displayed their genuine eoneem over the Hawaiian issue by the many questions they asked. Visiting mainland Rotarians also expressed their eoneem over the land issue

because a number of them are involved in similar situations and found the Hawaiian cause very interesting. Following the question and answer period, a number of the Rotarians continued to rap with Kealoha and OH A Public lnformation Officer Ed Miehelman, indicating their eoneem over the matter and wanting to know more about it. The showing was held in the Lanai Terrace of the Maui Inter-Continental Hotel.

This is only a portion of the Kihei-Wailea Rotary Club members who intently watched the presentation of OHA slide show on Maui.