Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 4, 1 May 1984 — Help Available for Hawaiian Veterans of Vietnam War [ARTICLE]

Help Available for Hawaiian Veterans of Vietnam War

Are y ou a H awaiian veteran of the V ietnam War? Do you need help in any area? lf so, then the Vietnam Vet Center wants to reach you and offer its kokua. A wide variety of services and benefits are available at the Vet Center. Hawaiian veterans of the Vietnam War need only make a phone eall: 546-3723. Ask for Counselor Bill Kilauano. Kilauano, a Hawaiian, said he is discouraged by the fact that not many Hawaiian veterans seek out the Center's assistance. "There are all kinds of assistance we ean give the Hawaiian Vietnam War veteran. Surprisingly, however, not too many have eome to us. We exist to help all Vietnam veterans and we would especially like to encourage the Hawaiians to contact us," Kilauano said. "There are all kinds of help available to these veterans. We offer counseling on family strife, aleohol and drug addiction, Einaneial and unemployment problems and many other areas of eoneem," Kilauano added. "We need to reach our Hawaiian Vietnam War veterans and tell them what we've got. Many get the impression that they're coming in only for counseling. We have more than counseling. Some of them may be surprised," he declared. The counselor ean be reached at the above telephone number whieh is located at 1370 Kapiolani Blvd. Those who visit the office are advised to enter from Makaloa St.