Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 7, 1 September 1984 — Auwe! [ARTICLE]


Two glaring typos appeared in the Aukake issue of Ka Wai Ola for whieh we apologize. The first dealt with the Hudson's Bay story where in the third paragraph appears "the 1940's." lt should have read 1840's. The second error was in the voter registration notice on the back mag page. Under deadlines for registration, it should have read Aug. 23 for the Primary Election instead of Aug. 22. Deadline for registration for the OH A and General Election remains Oct. 9. We apologiz.e also for any other typos that may have slipped our maka. We make every effort to bring you an error-free newspaper but typos do crop up in this business, regardless ol' how diligent we are or how hard we try.