Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 2, 1 February 1985 — DOE Ccntral District Hosts Kupuna Meeting [ARTICLE]

DOE Ccntral District Hosts Kupuna Meeting

The Central Oahu District of the State Department of Education will host the third annual 'Aha O Na Kupuna Conference Friday, Mar. 8, from 7:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. at the Honolulu International Country Club. Betty Jenkins, kupuna coordinator for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and a retired public school teacher, will be among those involved in a five-segment program whieh has for its theme: "Kupuna — A Lifetime of Aloha."

Gordon Kuwada, Central Oahu district superintendent, will give the weleome address. The five-segment program will focus on the unique qualities of the kupuna as spelled out in the word "Aloha." Eaeh segment will have an accompanying narrative or story line running approximately eight minutes.

District resource teachers in Hawaiian Studies will assist with the harmony segment of the program presentation. There will also be a sharing of creative songs during whieh time eaeh district's kupuna will share the songs they created. Windward, Honolulu, Leeward and Central districts will appear in this order. An evaluation session will complete the day's program.