Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 2, 1 February 1985 — Auwe! [ARTICLE]


Typ>ographical errors virtually go hand in hand with every issue in the life of a newspaper. And so it is that Ka Wai Ola O OHA is no exception.

Regardless of how mueh attention and care go into reading the galley proofs, bugs still manage to appear here and there. There is no sound explanation for this happening. The latest goofs appeared in the January issue where Alieia Nihipali in the genealogical story should have instead read Alieia Kalahiki. Nihipali is Marge Nihipali, Office of Hawaiian Affairs Community Resource Specialist in Hilo V

who assumed her new job in December. She has since remarried and is now Marge Kaluna. Also, in the sixth paragraph of Trustee Hayden Burgess' eolumn, the fourth line should read, "issued under my name publicly protesting this deal." The word used was "protecting."

Under "OHA Board Elects Kealoha, Freitas," the name of OHA staff member Laura Kamalani was inadvertently omitted as among those responsible for providing refreshments and snacks following swearing in ceremonies. We extend our apologies. I )