Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 2, 1 February 1985 — Elementary Students Included in Waianae Learning Experience [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Elementary Students Included in Waianae Learning Experience

A committee coordinating the 1985 May Day week speaker's bureau for Waianae-Nanakuli coast schools has been given approval by Leeward District Superintendent William Araki of the State Department of Education to proceed with the program. The program was held for the first time last year and it proved to be a big hit with the high schools. At a Jan. 18 meeting with Araki, it was decided to include the elementary schools this year although it would mean rounding up more resource people for the bureau. The 1985 dates are Apr. 29 to May 3. Speakers will again cover a wide area of subjects with special emphasis on Hawaiiana.

lt will again be another joint effort by the Hawaii State Teachers Association, Waianae Coast School Concerns Coalition, DOE and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Doctors, professors, kupuna and other knowledgeable people from a broad spectrum of employment and professions met and rapped with hundreds of students in their classes last year. More than 25 speakers volunteered their time in staging the successful program.

While the speaker's bureau listed more than 40 resource people, there were several no shows among some of the prominent names who pledged their support to the program. The committee this year is trying to avoid the same situation by reaching those who definitely will show up. The week-long program is to provide something to improve learning and cultural awareness for Waianae coast students, a good number of whom are Hawaiians. Meeting with Araki and later at a planning meeting among themselves were Pua'ala McElhaney, Isabel Hacskaylo, Diane Kahanu, OHA Kupuna Coordinator Betty Jankins and Sam Holt, OHA Human Services Specialist.

Leeward District Superintendent William Araki looks over May Day proposal for 1985 Waianae-Nanakuli schools program. Looking on are some members of a volunteer coordinating committee, reading from Araki's left around table, Betty Jenkins, OHA kupuna coordinator; Sam Holt, OHA Human Services Specialist; Puaala McElhaney and Isabel Hacskaylo, Waianae Coast Schools Concern Coalition.