Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 5, 1 May 1985 — "The Entertainers" [ARTICLE]

"The Entertainers"

A new feature about the Hawaiian entertainment community commences with next month's issue. "The Entertainers" will be both an informational guide for our readers and a service for Hawaiian style entertainers and groups. Readers will be able to find where their favorite performers are entertaining and groups or clubs featuring Hawaiian entertainment ean list their performance schedules.

Eaeh month we will also spotlight clubs or events that feature Hawaiian entertainment or will carry stories about Hawaiian artists and groups. To be sure that you or your group is listed in "The ; Entertainers", send us the particulars and we will run a free listing as a service to our readers. Send a short summary of your group, club or event, including your name and telephone number, together with where and when you perform, to: The Entertainers Ka Wai Ola O OHA 287 Mokauea Street Honolulu, HI 96819