Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 4, 1 April 1986 — Book Review [ARTICLE]

Book Review

By Maleolm Naea Chun Cultural Specialist Hawaiian Genealogies Volume 2 Edith Kaweleohea McKinzie Price: $15.95 (paperback)

This īs the second volume in a series of three concerning Hawaiian genealogies found in the publications of Hawaiian newspapers. Covering the period 1858-1920 and utilizing 23 newspaper sources, McKinzie provides Hawaiians and other interested parties the ehanee to use mostly "unavailable" materials to help in the discovery of one's ancestry, or the documentation of one's blood quantum as well as discovering more about Hawaiian history and culture through familial lines.

An addition section is devoted to "Priestly lineages" whieh were taken from what appears to be obituary accounts. Another section is devoted to "Genealogical Challenges" whieh contain some interesting insight to Hawaiian culture and customs. For instance: "Kauhiakama and his brother Keumikalakauaehuakama and their sisters . . . were married in ancient style, two double canoes were dressed with Royal puloulou alii, whieh was new!y made for the occasion. To acknowledge their relationship before landing, they exchanged feather cloaks and the two drums Hawea and Opuku beat loudly ..."

Onee again, Hawaiian Genealogies has an extensive name index and English translations of any Hawaiian text are provided. Although the price is a bit high for a paperback edition, this book is valuable resource and reference for the study of Hawaiian history and culture.