Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 6, 1 June 1987 — HWPAL Reception Honors Elected Women Officials [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

HWPAL Reception Honors Elected Women Officials

A reception honoring all women elected to state and county offices was hosted by the Hawaii Women's Political Action League May 15 at the Richards Street YWCA courtyard. Among those in attendance were Mililani Trask, administrative counseI to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and Hawaii Trustee Moanikeala Akaka. HWPAL, a state chapter of the National Women's Political Caucus, was organized in January, 1982, in response to a need for more liberal women in responsible public positions. It was felt that many women's concerns, including affirmative action, equal rights, child care, health services, honest government and world peaee had not been adequately represented at any level of government.

This grassroots group since its ineephon has successfully supported many women candidates for public office. It includes people of all ages, lifestyles and eeonomie and ethnic backgrounds. The Hawaii chapter is headed by Ann Fisher as president. Other officers are Helen Nagalon-Miller, vice president; Pamela Bahnsen, treasurer; and Lorraine Spain, secretary. Trask serves on the board of directors whieh also includes Amy Agbayani, Jackie Young, Pua AuyongWhite, Sena Gates, Victoria Keith and Cynthia Thielen.

Off iee of Hawaiian Affairs T rustee Moanikeala Akaka of Hawaii, to the right in background, talks wjth Malia Schwartz. In foreground nearest camera is Ann Fisher, president of the Hawaii Women's Political Action League, chatting with two other members.