Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 3, 1 March 1988 — Kupuna Gathering on Oahu Mar. 18 [ARTICLE]

Kupuna Gathering on Oahu Mar. 18

A first-time coming together of Department of Education and non-DOE kupuna has been scheduled for Mar. 18-20 at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel whieh is also offering a special accomodation package for those needing room reservations. According to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Community Kupuna Coordinator Betty Kawohiokalani Ellis Jenkins, it will be a statewide gathering of both DOE and non — DOE kupuna. It is being coordinated by OHA with Mrs. Jenkins in charge. Assisting her are Big Island OHA kupuna coordinators Maile Lum Ho Vargo and Ululani Garmon. Details of the program were not available as this issue of Ka Wai Ola O OHA went to press. \ /