Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 3, 1 March 1988 — Former Don Ho Dancer also a Fitness Buff [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Former Don Ho Dancer also a Fitness Buff

Secretary of Year Relies on Positive Thinking

By Deborah Lee Ward, Assistant Editor Ka Wai Ola O OHA Endurance, drive, training, pacing, and goal setting are skills that help a marathon runner reach that finish line. But they are also qualities that motivate an outstanding loeal secretary, Aulani Ahmad, who was recently named "Secretary of the Year" for 1988 by the Oahu Chapter of Professional Secretaries International. Ahmad is executive secretary to the regional director of sales for Sheraton Hotels in Hawaii, who directs all sales staff who locally market the 10 Sheraton hotels in Hawaii. She has been with Sheraton for five years, working in different areas of marketingr. whieh she feels prepared her for her current job. Ahmad, a fitness buff, is also a marathon runner and triathlon participant who has competed regularly in events since she first entered the Honolulu Marathon in 1982. Her philosophy of positive thinking toward life helps her to persist and successfully tackle ehallenges as they eome. She realizes that when she sets her mind to do something she is always successful. She stresses the importance of taking responsibility for yourself, and recognizing that your thoughts produce accordingly in your life. This attitude, she believes, allows her to keep growing. She feels it is an honor to be named by fellow members of the Oahu chapter, an award whieh recognizes professional ability and contribution to the organization. In May, Ahmad will compete for the statewide title in a PSI Hawaii division meeting. There are six

chapters in Hawaii — two on the Big Island, two on Oahu, and one eaeh on Maui and Kauai. Eaeh chapter representative, like herself, will be interviewed by a panel and judged on such things as image, poise, and ability to answer questions on the secretarial profession. The competition eontinues at the nahonal and international level for qualified entrants. Professional Secretaries International promotes secretarial work as a profession. Ahmad joined over three years ago and in short order was eochairperson of the chapter's ways and means committee, chapter secretary, and she is now vice-

president. Continuing education is emphasized in chapter activities. The group also does community service programs, such as at Lunalilo Home and Leahi Hospital. Ahmad, the former Vivian Aulani Fish, is another Hawaiian graduate from Kamehameha Schools in 1955. She attended Oregon State College (now University) in Corvallis, Oregon. With her then husband, Abraham Ahmad (also a 1955 graduate of Kamehameha), she moved to Los Angeles. She had a part-time business catering Hawaiian food and also danced the hula at shows, clubs, fairs and catered events. After returning to Hawaii, she was a lead dancer for 12 years with the Don Ho show, meanwhile handling record sales for Ho. She then worked another year as an assistant in the office of Ho Enterprises. Recently she and other former Ho dancers got together to create a dignified hula to "Kaulana Na Pua" for the Ho'olokahi stadium event. After leaving Ho Enterprises, Ahmad worked in a law firm learning word processing, then went to work for Sheraton Hotels. She feels fortunate to have made a successful transition from dancing into a new profession where she is advancing. Ahmad has three grown sons, Eleu, Kaiana and Vernon Ahmad, and three grandchildren. Her former husband, Abraham, is a video producer and community activist. In her spare time, Ahmad works out regularly at the Central YMCA and enjoys tennis and photography. She also holds a real estate sales license.

Aulani Ahmad