Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 10, 1 October 1988 — Waiʻanae Food Fair A Feast Of Healthy Eating Tips [ARTICLE]

Waiʻanae Food Fair A Feast Of Healthy Eating Tips

Wai'anae coast organizations, with the Wai'anae Coast Comprehensive Health Center, (WCCHC) this month will present a free eommunity food fair, "E 'Ai Maika'i," on Saturday, October 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pokai Bay beach park. The purpose of this educational family event is to share information on healthy ways to eat in a modern world where it is often difficult to eat properly.

At the fair, eaeh of the groups will share their mana'o about food and what makes it easier to eat well. There will be food booths on taro and aquaculture, gardening, limu and oeean foods, Hawaiian herbs, medicines, plants and ancient eating implements. There will also be produce, fresh fish, as well as games and entertainment.

The Food Service Program of the Leeward Community College will give out free healthy pupu samples and LCC counselors will be on hand to talk to you about food industry careers and training programs.

The Nutrition Department of WCCHC will show exhibits on nutrition counseling and offer free recipes for mothers and infants and persons with diabetes. Representatives from the Moloka'i Diet study will be visiting to share the positive health effects of the ancient Hawaiian diet. Elementary school ehildren of the Wai'anae coast will join in a poster eontest to share their ideas on "E 'Ai Maika'i: "Eat Well!" E 'Ai Maikai'i is organized and sponsored by the

Wai'anae Coast Comprehensive Health Center and these community groups: Hoa 'Aina O Makaha, the 'Opelu Project, the Leeward Coaster, the Wai'anae-Nanakuli Transition Center, Wai'anae University Extension Homemakers Club, Hale Ola, E Ola Mau, the State Department of Health, the Wai'anae Adolescent Health Network and Wai'anae Homestead Association.