Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 12, 1 December 1988 — Artist-Environmentalist Ching Authors New Coloring Books of Hawaiian Animals [ARTICLE]

Artist-Environmentalist Ching Authors New Coloring Books of Hawaiian Animals

Patrick Ching, Ka Wai Ola O OHA columnist and one of Hawai'i's leading wildlife artists and environmentalists, has just created his first two books. Published by Bess Press, Exotic Animals In Hawai'i and Native Animals of Hawai'i are now available at book outlets throughout the state. Eaeh book features his expert drawings of representative "exotic" and "native" animals suitable for coloring. Beside eaeh drawing is a full page of information on the habitat, description, and history of the animal. Both books offer all readers an introduction to well-known Hawaiian animals. They are beautiful supplements to any children's library and offer an opportunity for parents to teach their children important aspects of Hawaiian history and culture. On the back of eaeh book is a small full color drawing of eaeh animal as a coloring model.

Many native animals have become extinct in recent years and many more are threatened with extinction. This book will make children (as well as adults) aware of current environmental concerns. Animals inc!uded in Native Animals Of Hawai'i are the monk seal, honeycreeper, short-eared owl, fresh water goby, Kamehameha butterfly, land snail, green sea turtle, black-necked stilt, Hawaiian goose, parrot fish, great frigate bird, shark, Pacific golden plover, hoary bat, and octopus. Hawaiian names are also given. Exotic Animals In Hawai'i are those animals that were brought to Hawai'i by man and, attractive as they are, many have had adverse affects on fragile Hawaiian environments. Included in this book are the pig, dog, wallaby, axis deer, horse, shama thrush, ehieken, barn owl, mongoose, green anole lizard, rainbow swordtail, bullfrog, cattle, peaeoek, and goat.