Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 5, 1 May 1989 — OHA Chair To Testify On Health, Education Needs Of Hawaiians [ARTICLE]

OHA Chair To Testify On Health, Education Needs Of Hawaiians

OHA Chairman Thomas K. Kauliikukui, Sr. and OHA Administrator Richard K. Paglinawan were scheduled to travel to Washington, D.C. May 3 as part of a Hawaii panel to testify before the Senate Appropriations Committee's subcommittee on labor, health and human services, education and related agencies. Senator Tom Harkin (D), Iowa was to chair the committee. Kaulukukui planned to address the efforts of OHA to support and complement the health and education programs provided for Native Hawaiians. The hearing was scheduled to address the need for funding to reverse the dismal statistics of Hawaiian health and education. Also invited to testify were Myron B. Thompson, secretary oi the Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate board of

trustees, who addressed Hawaiian education needs, and E. Kanani Low Mariano, executive director of E Ola Mau, the Native Hawaiian health professionals organization. She was to address the health and health education needs of Native Hawaiians. Thompson, Manano and Kaulukukui are three members of Papa Ola Lokahi, the five-agency board designated to receive and spend federal money under the Native Hawaiian Health Care Act of 1988, P.L. 136. Papa Ola Lokahi is eomposed of E Ola Mau, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Alu Like, ine., the University of Hawai'i, and the Office of Hawaiian Health, State Department of Health. President of Papa Ola Lokahi is Thompson, who is also a board member of Alu Like, ine.