Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 8, Number 11, 1 November 1991 — Operation Kuaʻana [ARTICLE]

Operation Kuaʻana

Operation Kua'ana is a student support services program at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Its goal is to encourage students of Hawaiian ancestry to perpetuate the excellence of their kupuna by continuing their education at UHM.

To achieve this goal, Operation Kua'ana is establishing a program called Operation Ho'ala. The purpose of this program is to ho'ala, awaken, high school students to the benefits and importance of seeking higher education. A counselor from Operation Kua'ana will visit, on a regular basis, several O'ahu high schools and provide one-on-one counseling from a culturally sensitive perspective. The counselor will provide information on scholarships and programs that are available and personally guide and walk the students through the applieahon process.

Operation Ho ala will also be offering study skills, research and computer workshops, a UH college fair, videos, and guest lectures. Through these activities, positive role models will be provided to help build and instill cultural awareness and pride into the students by sharing their neh historv and cultural values.