Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 6, 1 June 1992 — UH offers college orientation course [ARTICLE]

UH offers college orientation course

Helping young Hawaiians get a jump start on education at the University of Hawai'i-Manoa is the goal of a two-week summer orientation program to be held July 13 to July 24 on the Manoa campus by Operation Kua'ana, a eampus support network. This free workshop, Operation Kauwela, is to help incoming students leam the physical layout of UH Manoa and to provide basic information and skills for academic and campus life. Students will tour the campus and get handson training on Macintosh computers, introductory course preparations, study skills workshops, academic advising and registration assistance.

The workshop will also discuss what it means to be Hawaiian today. Operation Kua'ana seeks to convey that it is part of Hawaiian heritage to be both knowledgeable and skillful, enabling Hawaiians to become positive role models and leaders in the state as well as internationally. Project coordinators are Pikake RenaudCashman, Tracie Farias and Leilani Basham. Approximately 10 students participated in "Operation Kauwela" last summer and the program received many positive comments. For more information and to register for Operation Kauwela, interested persons may eall 9562644.